Chapter 2: Dismissal

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Sairene had always held onto the belief that trust was a major component to any successful relationship, whether it be business, friendship or romantic.

Pacing the space in front of her throne, she waited for her council and advisors to arrive. She had not called a meeting for two years. After what had happened involving those she believed she could trust, Sairene knew that she would have to come to a decision sooner or later. Her limited patience was beginning to run out when finally the doors opened and in they came. Moving to sit on the throne, Sairene waited until they had gathered at the foot of the throne before speaking. "I have called you all here today because there is something very important that you all must hear." Murmurs of surprise and anticipation floated around the room. "As you all know, two years ago a small group of people decided to take it upon themselves to try and 'help' me," nervous looks were exchanged at her words. "Having identified these people, I have come to a decision," leaning forward, she rested her elbows on her knees, "since these people have violated and abused my trust and respect, I have decided to relieve them of their duties." Her words were met with barely concealed expressions of shock, "but Your Majesty," the councillor was silenced when the Queen raised her hand, cutting him off. "Your blatant reactions tell me that all of you know exactly who I am talking about," standing up, she folded her hands behind her back and drew herself to her full height. "Every single one of you has betrayed my trust when you decided to 'help' me. You went behind my back with the knowledge that I would not approve of your actions. All of you," she looked them each in the eye, "knew that and yet you did it anyway. From this day forward, your privileges and titles have been revoked and should you set foot in this palace again, I will revoke your right to live." Her calm tone and gentle delivery created a patronising air, "that is all. You may go," gesturing with her hand, she told them to leave. Standing quietly at the foot of her throne, Sairene sighed heavily as though a great weight had just been lifted.

Not long after her council and advisors left, Sairene called Einarr to the throne room. "Your Majesty," bowing low, the young man waited for the Queen to speak. "Yes," sitting once again on her throne, Sairene beckoned him forward, "it has come to my attention that my staff, former councillors and advisors have regarded you with little respect since your arrival. Would you happen to know why?" Einarr was not prepared for that question, in all honesty he was surprised that she had taken any notice of him at all, much less to how the palace residents regarded and treated him. "I am a commoner Your Majesty, I am afraid that they will always see me as one." Looking down, he felt his face grow warm with the admission. Sairene saw the way he looked down as he spoke, as though he was ashamed of his humble beginnings and she felt a stab of anger to those in her employ. Standing up, she moved to stand in front of him and lifted his chin to meet her eyes. "There is no need to be ashamed Einarr. It is they who should be ashamed; their actions and words prove just how low they are and how desperate they are to drag you down to their level. You are here because I chose to bring you here, remember that." Letting go of his chin, she turned to one of the windows and looked out across the snow covered grounds, "I know we have not spoken much these past two years but," turning back to him, she moved to stand at the base of her throne, "for some peculiar reason, I have come to trust you. You always know the right thing to say, even if I do not want to hear it and for that, I would like you to be my one-man council, as it were." Einarr could not believe his ears! Yes, he recalled various times when the young Queen would spontaneously ask for his opinion on something and more often than not give him the silent treatment for weeks after.

"Your Majesty, I-" he was too surprised for words, she was quite possibly one of the most confusing people he had ever met. Sairene took his silence as a confirmation and nodded, "good, it is settled. You will go where I go and run the palace when I am unable to." Einarr simply blinked, he was struggling to process all of this information. Knowing that her good moods were few and far between, he nodded quickly, still too dumbfounded for words. Satisfied with his answer, Sairene swept from the room, leaving Einarr with a perfect view of the frozen remains of the head councillor; he knew he would have to be careful, he did not want to imagine what the Queen would do if he acted without her.........again.

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