Chapter 35: When is a Monster not a Monster?

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Not even the smallest amount of light made its way down to him. Einarr had not quite believed the Queen when she had ordered the guard to take him to the darkest cell. He could now see from the lack of light, that he should have known better.

It was unspeakably cold. The walls were made of stone and earth. The door however, was not made of bars like the cell he had previously occupied, it was a solid wooden door with iron reinforcements. The only way to open the door was from the outside.

As there was no bed, Einarr found it extremely difficult to even try and sleep. But the lack of sleep combined with the cold brought on not only vivid hallucinations but also memories that he believed were merely works of his imagination.

The attack was so sudden, no one even saw it coming. The orcs came out of nowhere! Everyone flew into a panic, either running or grabbing the first weapon-like object they could find.

Einarr and his father, along with his brother, fought them off as best they could. His sister and mother had long since run into the house for some measure of safety. It felt as though they were finally getting the upper hand when, screams were heard from the house. Recognising the voices, Einarr along with his father and brother, bolted towards the building.

They did not get far, the three of them ducked as two objects came hurtling their way. Einarr would never forget that moment, that moment of realisation when he saw what those two objects really where. The heads of his mother and younger sister! The pain he felt was unlike anything he had ever felt before! His heart felt as though it was being crushed and soon hot, angry tears created rivulets down his cheek. His vision tinged red by grief and anger, he charged head-on towards the house with his father and brother at his heels.

Energy coursed through him as he hacked down any orc that came his way. His need for vengeance was strong. He became so focused on reaching the house that he did not notice his father and brother struggling.

Charging into the house, he encountered two of the loathsome creatures. He was outnumbered that was for certain. He fought as hard and as long as he could. It was then that a third creature crept up behind him and knocked him out and believing he was dead, the three orcs proceeded to pull the house down.

Einarr did not know how long he was unconscious for. The next thing he knew, he was lying amidst a pile of rubble and the only sounds coming from the village were the sounds of people looking for food and drink and more wood to put on the bonfire. It was then that he realised that the it was dark.

Determined to find out whether or not his father and brother were alive, he began to struggle in an effort to free himself from the rubble. Eventually, he sighed in defeat and was about to call for help when a young female voice called out, "hello?"

Desperate for help, he answered her, "please help me!" He thanked the stars when he heard the sound of someone carefully climbing over the rubble.

"Hold on I'm coming," soon the speaker, a young woman, came into view. He watched her every move as she climbed down next to him, "almost there," her voice was calm and a sense of reassurance washed over him.

Einarr watched as the young woman swept her gaze over him and he saw her eyes widen slightly when she saw his predicament. "I believe I have a way of freeing you, please do not be alarmed by what you see." Einarr simply nodded, glad to have any help at all.

He watched speechless, as she extended both hands and summoned what seemed to be a blue flame. The blue light flickered across her features and danced across her hair and Einarr swore at that moment, he had never seen anything so beautiful.

It was then that he felt a cold sensation on his back and legs. Looking up, he saw a small, but happy smile grace the young woman's features.

"Going down memory lane are we?"

The Queen's cold voice tore Einarr back to the present. Blinking, he saw her silhouette in the doorway. Pushing himself up from the ground, he lifted his chin, "My Lady."

Making her way into the cell, Sairene brought a torch with her. Closing the door behind her, she turned to face him. The light danced across her features and highlighted her hair. "Do you know why you are here Einarr? In this particular cell?"

Einarr knew exactly but he stayed silent, simply watching her. How could the young woman from his memory be the same as the one that stood before him? What happened to her?

"Betrayal, or as I like to call it, treason."

Two very strong words, too strong for Einarr to remain silent. "Treason My Lady? I was simply voicing a matter that had been haunting me for months!"

The Queen said nothing, there was no smile, no sneer or scowl. There was a look in her eyes that Einarr had only seen once before, the look of betrayal, but this time, sadness had been added. "How can you say that? You more than anyone, know what those dragons mean to me."

Briefly closing his eyes, Einarr smoothed his hand down his face, "My Lady! Why do you not spend more time in the company of your people? That is all I wish to know!"

Planting the torch in the dirt floor, Sairene began to pace. "They want nothing to do with me! Nor I with them!" She rounded on Einarr, "I learnt magic to protect them, I came by these scars," she pointed to her unglamoured face, "when I fought to protect them! I have given them my all and what do I get in return? Disdain and distance!"

Einarr was surprised at her rather passionate outburst. "But My Lady!"

"Don't 'My Lady' me!" Sairene waved her hand to silence him, "I should have frozen you like I have the others!"

Einarr's eyes widened, "what makes you think your life is worth more than mine?"

Sairene smirked, "what makes you think your life is worth anything at all?" By now she stood only a few feet away from him.

Stepping closer, Einarr smiled, "if it wasn't worth anything, you would have snuffed it out long ago."

Sairene did not know what to make of that. "How dare you!"

Stepping back into the shadows, Einarr leaned against the stone wall. "The truth is My Lady, you can't kill me. Even if you could, you can't bring yourself to do it. You would hesitate. Again."

Clenching her jaw, the young Queen picked up the torch and made to leave, stopping briefly by the door. "Einarr? Do you believe monsters are born or made?"

Surprised by the Queen's question, Einarr paused before answering, "I believe they are born My Lady. Born of pain, grief, loss and anger... and your heart is full of them."

Turning sharply, Sairene stared at the young man in the shadows, "and?"

Einarr pushed himself away from the wall and stood face to face with her, "and it makes you vulnerable."

She gave no answer, she simply turned on her heels and left Einarr in the cold darkness of the cell.

As Einarr listened to her footsteps move further and further away, a thought entered his mind, brought on by the Queen's rather unexpected question. When is a monster, not a monster?  Einarr smiled sadly to himself, he already knew the answer to that one, when you love it.

Music credit:

Aphrodite - Ishq

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