Chapter 8: The Dress

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"Have my horse saddled and bridled," Sairene headed towards the palace entrance with a guard following close behind. "Tell Einarr that I do not wish to be followed and that he is in charge of the palace for the duration of my absence." Without waiting for an answer, she swept down the hall while the guard hurried away to fulfil her orders.

Without bothering to change, Sairene made her way to the solid marble doors that formed the palace's main entrance. Struggling to keep from betraying her emotions, the Queen flung the doors open with a wave of her hand and glided down the steps to where her horse was waiting. Despite the flowing layers of her gown, Sairene leapt onto the horse and turned it to face the courtyard entrance before spurring it into a gallop.

"Where did she go?" Êlon glanced between the open door the Queen had just gone through and Einarr, who seemed only mildly surprised. The young man looked up at the question, "no one knows." Confusion spread through Êlon, "what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Einarr leant back in his chair and sighed, "it means exactly what you think it means. No one knows where she goes when she leaves like that." Not feeling the least bit clarified, Êlon moved to stand by the exact same window the Queen stood by only moments ago. "Why did she leave?" Einarr was about to reply when a guard entered the room and stopped a few feet away from his chair. "Sir," turning from the guest, Einarr nodded to the guard, "yes?" Straightening out of a bow, the guard relayed Sairene's message, "Her Majesty has just left the grounds. She does not wish to be followed and left the running of the palace under you until she returns." Standing up, Einarr smoothed his shirt and lifted his chin, "did she specify as to when that would be?" The guard shook his head, "no sir, she did not." Nodding absentmindedly, Einarr dismissed the guard and turned back to the table. "It is just as I thought," he spoke more to himself but Êlon heard him, "please correct me if I am wrong, the Queen has just left and we do not know where she is or when she will be returning?" Einarr simply nodded, seemingly unfazed, "that is correct. But you need not worry," he looked up and smiled, "Her Majesty knows how to look after herself and besides," he said, looking back down, " it is not like this is the first time."

Gripping onto the reins with a death grip, the young Queen left her palace far behind. The wind cut through the thin fabric of her gown and tore at her hair.
With the previous conversation running loops in her mind, Sairene struggled to keep her tears at bay; tears of grief as well as of hot anger. Talking of her family's history always caused a whirlwind of emotions to run through her. Anger at what her uncle had allowed to happen coursed through her; bending low over her horse's head, Sairene closed her eyes as she felt emotion-induced power flow through her.

The further she rode, the harder it became to restrain. Thunder rolled overhead despite her efforts and lightning began to make itself known. The wind became stronger as she finally let go; the power flowed through her and she directed it to the sky. The gently falling snow became a blizzard and the thunder claps became almost deafening. Lightning flashed and illuminated her riding form in an eery silhouette.

The sudden change in the weather alarmed Êlon. It was an odd combination, thunder, lightning and a blizzard. He did not have to ask, he already knew who this was; he did not know whether to be proud or frightened.
Einarr for his part, slipped easily into the role that the Queen had given him. In no time at all servants hurried in and out, clearing the table and cleaning.

The storm lasted through the night and while Einarr and Êlon slept beneath a palace roof, Irrelia's Queen sought shelter in the cave that was the home to the four dragons.
The storm died down the moment Sairene fell asleep, surrounded by four enormous creatures.

The next day dawned cold and snow covered.
Believing the Queen to return any minute, Einarr ordered a complete cleaning of the palace. While he did not quite understand her, he still respected her. He did not want any more of the staff to end up in the throne room because they displeased the Queen.

All day the palace was a hive of activity; each wanted to complete their tasks before she came back.

Êlon had never felt more useless. He simply wandered through the palace and avoided the servants who scurried around like ants. He visited any room that no one was in. As he had yet not been given a tour of the palace, he was not aware of the location of the Royal wing until he poked his head into the Queen's bedchamber.

He came to that conclusion when he saw a maid in the process of brushing off one of the most beautiful gowns. He also recognised her attire to be one of the Queen's personal maids. In the attempt to leave unnoticed, Êlon hit his shoulder on the door frame and hissed from the shock. The maid looked up, startled and almost dropped her brush. Straightening himself, Êlon attempted to look dignified, "forgive me for startling you miss. It was not my intent," the maid blushed and bowed, "oh no Sir. It is quite alright." When her eyes met his, Êlon saw a certain fear in them and something told him that Sairene was responsible. Wanting to put the young woman at ease, Êlon smiled and gestured to the gown she was still holding, "that is a beautiful gown you have there." The maid smiled shyly and nodded, "aye it is Sir. It is the Queen's favourite." And with good reason it was too. It was floor length midnight blue with diamonds spread across it in horizontal rows. The sleeves split at the shoulder and flowed to the ground in a cascade of blue silk. Êlon hesitantly reached out and gently skimmed his fingertips over the star-like diamonds. "The gems, they are unlike anything I have ever seen." The maid nodded in agreement, "that is because she created them Sir."

Astonished, the former star met the maids eyes and saw not fear but grief. "You do not seem very happy about that," he smiled gently at her and got a little head-shake as a response. "I am sorry Sir but how can I be proud of a Queen that creates diamonds that shine like stars every time she takes a life?" She laughed without humour at Êlon's shocked expression, "yes indeed Sir. Every sparkling diamond on this gown represents a life she has ended by her own hand." The elf stood frozen as he mentally counted the diamonds.

There were exactly 21.

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