Chapter 27: Going Back

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Eventually returning to her chambers, Sairene fell into a dreamless sleep until the morning sun shone through the closed balcony doors. She was woken by a gentle knocking on her chamber doors. Rubbing a hand over her face, she sat up and slid out of bed before padding to the door and allowing her maid to enter.

Bobbing a cursty, the maid went about drawing a bath and selecting the Queen's gown for the day. While Sairene soaked in the rose-scented water, the maid opened the balcony doors to allow the fresh morning breeze to flow in. Upon hearing movement from the bathing room, the maid quickly went to fetch a towel for the young Queen to wrap herself in.

Having wrapped herself in the provided towel, Sairene proceeded to dry her hair before going back into her chamber and letting the maid help her into the chosen gown. It was a beautiful combination of white, pink gradients and purple, with small ornate metal plates by each shoulder.

Having dismissed her maid, Sairene wandered out to the small balcony and proceeded to brush her still damp hair. As she rhythmically moved the brush through her hair, she decided that she would leave Mirkwood that day, she had been gone too long. Turning around, she re-entered her chamber and selected a simple silver circlet before stepping out into the corridor. As much as she wanted to leave as quickly as possible, she knew that she would have to inform the King prior to her departure.

As Sairene neared the throne room, she heard voices float out to her; one was that of her uncle and the other, she had not heard before. Strengthening her resolve, she took a deep breath and continued on her way.

Elrond's visit had been most unexpected and Thranduil did not appreciate being surprised like that. Nevertheless, he made an exception, Elrond was an old friend who had helped him during some of the hardest and most painful moments of his life.

They were in the middle of a conversation when a short series of knocks interrupted them. Receiving a nod from the King, the guards opened the doors to reveal Sairene who smiled pleasantly at her uncle.

"My Lady! To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Sairene glanced between her uncle and his guest whom she now recognised to be the Lord Elrond of Rivendell. "My Lord Thranduil, I have come to inform you, as is only proper, that I will be departing for Irrelia today."

Thranduil nodded in acknowledgement, "thank you My Lady, I wish you a swift and safe journey. I will inform Tauriel and she will provide an escort for you."

Sairene bowed slightly, "I thank you My Lord, that is very kind of you." Bowing to both her uncle and his guest, she turned to leave but stopped when Lord Elrond's voice addressed her.

"My Lady?"

Turning around, she sent a friendly smile his way, "yes My Lord?"

"May I have a moment ? There is something I would like to tell you."

"Of course My Lord. Shall we?" Sairene gestured to the doors.

Following the Lord of Rivendell from the throne room, she wandered what he could possibly have to tell her that had to be said away from her uncle.

It was not until they had reached a small secluded garden that Elrond stopped and turned to face her.

"What did you wish to speak with me about My Lord?"

"Your future."

"My future?" Sairene cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes in confusion.


"With all due respect My Lord what could you possibly know about my future? I don't even know what's going to happen, so how could anyone else?"

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