Chapter 33: An Important Matter

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"In your creation, Heaven did decree that in your arms, death should dwell."

Einarr soon noticed a pattern, between receiving letters from an as yet nameless acquaintance, the Queen would be absent from the palace for the better part of the day. He did not have to guess where she went, he knew. Then when she returned, some poor unfortunate soul would join the morbid collection in the throne room.

The sun hung low in the sky by the time the Queen came back. Sairene had only returned because of one reason, she had to know who had dared to enter the mausoleum. She had made it clearer than crystal that no-one but her could set foot in that building. She had made up her mind and the culprit would be exposed.

"Einarr! There you are! Gather the entire palace staff and get them to the throne room," without further explanation Sairene headed down the hallway, leaving Einarr with a feeling of dread.

Not even an hour later, the entire palace staff had been herded into the coldest part of the palace. The Queen stood with her back to them as she faced the throne. Her hair was loose and cascaded down her back like a waterfall of molten gold and the fabric of her gown gently swept the cold marble beneath it.

Einarr made his way to front of the group and took his customary place beside the throne.

Turning around, Sairene smiled at the assembled. Einarr had seen this smile much too often and how he hated it! How different it was to the smile he saw when she read those letters!

"A few years ago I made a rule." Pausing, the Queen descended the steps that led to the throne. "And of course being in the position that I am, I expected it to be followed and adhered to with the utmost diligence." By now she stood eye-to-eye with the front row. "If I recall correctly, I made it as clear as cut glass that no-one, aside from myself, would enter the royal mausoleum."

Einarr suddenly felt all the blood drain from his face. He was the guilty one this time, not a servant or a guard! He dreaded what would happen if she discovered the truth; no doubt she would see it as a betrayal on his part and never trust him again!

"A few short months ago, it was the anniversary of my beloved mother's death."

The Queen's words echoed throughout the cavernous space and the group before her all murmured the same words, "may she rest in peace."

"I visited her tomb to pay my respects and what do I find?" Her tone became sharper than a blade and colder than ice. "The mausoleum has two gates and one was open!" With her hands behind her back, she had started to pace, from right to left and back again. Her eyes glittered with a cold anger. "Now one of you was there! One of you was in there even though I had specifically forbidden it!" Her voice rose with each word and the people shrank back. "What is wrong with you people! When will you get it into those thick heads that I make the rules and it is your one and only job to follow them!"

Einarr had never seen her lose control like this before. Her words were like blades, sharp and without mercy. She was furious and he was worried as to what she might do.

"Maybe it is time that I taught you all a lesson," Einarr did not like how she suddenly became calm. It unnerved him and made him extremely uncomfortable.

Her icy gaze swept over the group and landed on Halion. Einarr followed her gaze and his eyes widened in shock.

"Guards! Bring Halion to the front."

Murmurs of fear and surprise rippled through the group.

The group parted as the guards brought the unfortunate servant forward. Halion knew that protesting would do no good and only fall on uncaring ears.

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