Chapter 12: Justice?

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"What is it with you people?!" Dramatically throwing her hands into the air, Sairene sighed with exasperation. Einarr stood beside the throne and watched the Queen rant and rave; he pitied those on the receiving end. Incidents like this often did not end well for the victims.

A group of four knelt at the base of the throne with the Queen pacing behind them. The click of her heels echoed off the stone walls and made the group before her flinch. Circling back so that she now stood in front of them, Sairene crouched down so that she was level with their eyes. She said nothing at first; the silence became heavy.

Standing up, the Queen brushed off her gown, "I do not need to tell you why you have been brought here, you should know. All I can tell you is that it will not end well," the group glanced nervously at each other. Smiling, she approached one of the four, a middle-aged man. "Tell me," her voice became sickly sweet, "what exactly were you thinking when you snuck out of the kitchens with food hidden under your jacket?" She looked him in the eye and raised both eyebrows.

"Your Majesty, I-I-," the cold room, as well as the Queen's eyes made the man stutter.

"Yes? You were? You were what?" All sweetness vanished from her voice, impatience replaced it. "My family Your Majesty," Sairene rolled her eyes and laughed. "You expect me to believe that you did this because of your beloved family?" Mockery laced her words, "please, I have heard that excuse more times than I can count. The truth is, you stole, and more importantly, you stole from me."

Tapping her chin thoughtfully, Sairene pretended to think, " now let me think, what sort of punishment should I bestow upon you?" Terror entered the man's eyes, "Your Majesty please, no! I am sorry for I did and I promise I will not do so again. Please Your Majesty.....consider my family, I was doing it for them!" The Queen nodded, as though in agreement.

"Yes, now that you mention it, I have come to realise that you and I actually have something in common." The man looked taken aback by the Queen's words, he had not been expecting that!

"Your Majesty?" The Queen laughed at the man's confusion. "Yes indeed. You see," clasping her hands behind her back, she resumed her pacing. "We both want what's best for your family." The man did not bother to hide his surprise and confusion, "Majesty?" He smiled a little, perhaps there was hope after all!

Sairene saw the smile and chuckled to herself. "You were looking out for your family when you took the food from my kitchens." Stopping in front of him, she bent to be level with his eyes. "And this is how we are similar, what I'm about to do will also be in their best interests." Reaching down, she placed her right hand on the man's neck and closed her eyes.

Einarr watched with baited breath, he had never seen the Queen do this before. The way her hand rested on the man's neck looked almost gentle. It was when he saw the man begin to struggle that he began to really worry.

With her hand on his neck, Sairene focused on closing the oesophagus (the pipe that leads from the throat to the stomach). She felt the man struggle against her. The whole process was a quick one. Retracting her hand, she stepped back and gestured for Einarr to help the man stand.

The pain of having part of his throat closed permanently would never leave. Reaching up, he felt the skin of his neck. "Don't worry, there's nothing to see on the outside," the Queen's comforting smile looked out of place. "You are no doubt wandering how this all fits with what I said earlier." Taking his silence as affirmative, she continued, "now that you will be unable to eat or drink, your family will no longer have to provide for you." Stepping closer, she looked him in the eye, "one less mouth to feed I suppose." Nodding to the guards, she gestured to the doors, "now that you have received a just reward for your actions, you are free to go."

Einarr watched with pity in his eyes as the Queen's latest victim left the room. He was beyond horrified at what she had done, he could not even imagine the pain she had inflicted upon that poor man. He dreaded what she had planned for the remaining three. As of yet, he had no knowledge of their crimes.

"Now," the Queen's voice broke through his thoughts. "You three have seen what happens to those that steal from me. I hope you have learnt from this," the remaining three nodded quickly. "Good!" Seeming genuinely pleased, Sairene moved to her throne.

"Your Majesty? What will happen to us?" Turning around, Sairene smiled down at the young man who had spoken. "Guards! Take these three out of my sight. Take them to mountains on the Northern border." Nodding, the guards hauled the three unfortunates to their feet and escorted them out.

Sighing contentedly, Sairene moved to her throne and settled down.

"What is going to happen to them?" Einarr found her verdict a little vague and something nagged at him. His question had little effect on the young royal.

Her voice floated down to him, she sounded tired and slightly bored. "My dragons haven't had a proper meal for quite some time now." This was more than enough information. Einarr struggled to form words, let alone think straight. Shaking his head, he turned on his heels and left the icy throne room and it's equally cold occupant behind.

Looking up at the sound of the doors closing, Sairene noticed that Einarr was not longer there. Pushing herself off the throne, Sairene wandered over to the nearest window.

Exiting the palace, Einarr headed to the stables and saddled his horse. Leading it from the stables, he mounted it and spurred it into a gallop, heading in the direction of the mountains that formed the kingdom's northern border.

A figure caught the Queen's eye. From her high vantage point, Sairene clearly saw Einarr gallop from the courtyard and watched as he headed north. Rage began to fill her, anger at the notion of him going against her. Breathing heavily, she called lightning down from the sky and directed it where she thought she never would.

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