Chapter 20: The Healer & The King

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"Your father?!" Arvellon blinked a few times as though trying to clear his vision. Had he heard correctly? Was it possible that Eliean had had a child? If it was, then why did she not write and tell him?
He remembered her often fantasising about having a family of her own and what she would name the children, if she were to have any.

"I think I'd like to have about three or four," Eliean narrowed her eyes in thought and cocked her head to the side.

"Three or four?!" Arvellon didn't bother to hide the shock from his voice.  "Can you imagine how much work that would be?!"

Eliean simply laughed and nodded, "yes but I don't think I would mind."

Arvellon half-heartedly tried to protest, "it's all very good and wonderful to say that now, but just you wait until you have four of them demanding your attention for different things all at once."

Shaking her head, Eliean smiled distantly, "I couldn't imagine anything better than being married to the man I love and to raise his children. To watch them grow and make something of themselves." Her eyes had grown distant and her voice had become wistful with a note of longing in every word.

Arvellon watched his friend closely and prayed to the Valar that she receive that which she wished for so fervently.

Looking at the young woman before him, Arvellon smiled as he realised that his prayer had been heard. She was the spitting image of her mother.
His smile faded however, as he remembered that Eliean would never see the wonderful person her daughter had become. "You look just like her." He spoke more to himself than to her.

Sairene said nothing as she watched realisation dawn on the healer's features. "Just how well did you know my mother?"

Arvellon met her gaze with a reminiscent smile. "Your mother was one of the few friends I had and a good one at that."

"How did you two meet?"

"I was still training to be a healer when one day," he smiled as he recalled their first meeting. "I was busy preparing a poultice when someone tapped me on the shoulder. My mind had wondered off and so I was frightened out of my wits. Upon realising who it was I apologised. Your mother was very kind to me and over time we became friends, she would pay me a visit every time she wanted to escape court life." Arvellon's eyes became distant with memory.

"So you were quite close then?"

"Not in the way some thought, but yes, we were."

"People thought that you and my mother....?"

"There were those that mistook our friendship for something more than it was but in truth, all your mother wanted was a friend."

Sairene smiled to herself, that sounded just like her mother. "So its thanks to you that my mother knew so much about plants," she met the healer's eyes with a smile in her icy blue orbs.

The healer nodded slightly, "yes, I suppose so."

"I thought as much."

"There is one thing that has been bothering me My Lady."

Her smile fading, the young Queen stepped forward and cocked her head to the side, "what I have told you is no lie."

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