Chapter 11: Illusions

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"By all the Valar! Where is that elf!" The Elvenking impatiently paced the length of his study. It had been almost an entire month since he had last lain eyes on Êlon; search parties had always returned with unhappy news, he was nowhere to be found. Thranduil began to fear for him, something he had not done for quite some time. The entire palace had been searched as well as Mirkwood itself.

It felt as if an entire age had passed since Êlon had felt the warmth of the sun. The moment he had left Irrelia and its strange winter behind, the former star took a deep breath and basked in the warm summer sun. Spurring his horse into a gallop, Êlon headed in the direction of Mirkwood.

Êlon never thought he would be so happy to see those twisted and gnarled trees. Urging his horse forward, the star sent up a silent plea to Varda; he hoped there were no orcs lurking in the decaying depths of the forest. The smell of rotting wood and foul water permeated the air and made Êlon want to vomit.
He felt a smile form when, at last, the entrance to King Thranduil's palace came into view. Dismounting, he lead his horse across the short stone bridge and approached the huge double doors. 

Upon recognising the newcomer, the guards stepped aside and allowed the star to enter. Leaving his horse by the stables, Êlon headed towards his study.

"Hîr Nín," the guard's voice stopped the King's pacing. Waving the guard forward, Thranduil drew himself up to his full height. "What is it?" The guard bowed before answering, "the tutor has returned Ara Nín." Raising an eyebrow, the King moved to pour himself a goblet of wine. "Is that so? And where is he now?" "He was seen heading in the direction of his study My Lord." Nodding, Thranduil dismissed the guard. Draining the contents of his goblet, the Elvenking turned and swept from the room.

Closing the door behind him, Êlon took a deep breath and inhaled the different scents that floated through his study. Setting his belongings down, he moved to stand by one of the windows and smiled in fond memory of his former student. She had become such a devoted Queen to her people and he could see that they loved her dearly. He would never forget the sheer size and beauty of the palace; as white as snow and as elegant as a snowflake. He was shaken from his memories by a sharp series of knocks.

Opening the door, the star was surprised to find the King on the other side. "My Lord!" Bowing quickly, Êlon stepped aside to allow access for Thranduil. Quietly closing the door behind the King, Êlon folded his hands behind his back and waited for the King to speak.

Wandering over to a window, Thranduil briefly looked outside before turning to the other elf in the room. "Where were you this past month? My search parties found no trace of you. Care to explain ?" Crossing his arms over his chest, Thranduil lifted his chin and waited. "I visited the young Queen that you had me tutor. I meant to go sooner," this intrigued the King, "oh? Is that right? And what stopped you, pray tell?" For this, Êlon had no answer. "I do not know My Lord. All I know is that is that something always held me back....until a month ago, that is." Thranduil did not answer right away. Moving around the room, he examined its contents. "And how did you find it? How was your visit?" If Êlon was taken aback by the questions, he did not show it. "It is a beautiful kingdom My Lord. The Queen told me that she had recently had improvements added to the palace; the structure itself is stunning, so beautiful and elegant, much like the Queen herself. She was most kind to me and a gracious hostess. And My Lord!" His voice had risen a few notches, "her skill has improved so very much! She has been teaching herself these past months! Can you believe it My Lord!" The King shook his head, "is that even possible? To teach oneself the art of magic." Once again, Êlon found no answer.

When the King left only a few moments later, Êlon was graced with yet another visitor.

Arvellon had heard of Êlon's disappearance as well as his return. Having his suspicions as to where he might have been, the healer made his way to the former tutor's study.

"Arvellon?" The star did not bother to hide the surprise. Quickly ushering him in, Êlon stood by the door. "I do not wish to appear rude but, what are you doing here?" The healer simply turned towards him and crossed his arms over his chest. "Where were you this past month?" Sighing heavily, the star walked over to his desk and sat behind it. "I was in Irrelia. I assume you are familiar with it?" The healer nodded and gestured for Êlon to continue. "She has changed so much! The Queen. Her people love her and she loves them. She would do anything for them, she even erected a multi-layered shield to protect them! Imagine that Arvellon! A shield! Around an entire kingdom! The kingdom truly is very beautiful, not to mention the palace! It is so big, yet still so elegant! And it is made of the whitest truly is a sight to behold."
Arvellon listened as Êlon sung Sairene's praises and smiled slightly to himself, perhaps that incident with the prisoner was only a once-off.

Elvish to English translations:

Hîr Nín - My Lord
Ara Nín - My King

Red Snow (The Shadows bk.3)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara