Chapter 28: Knowledge

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Having arranged for her belongings to be brought to the palace's main entrance, Sairene left the Healing Rooms and headed in the direction of her former tutor's study.

A soft knocking pulled Êlon from the world of constellations and moon cycles. Closing the rather heavy book, he stood and moved to open the door for whomever stood on the other side. The face that greeted him however,  was the last he ever wished to see. Putting on a mask of civility, he invited her in.

Sairene smiled slightly as Êlon further opened the door to allow her entrance. Stepping into the room, she turned to face him and waited until the door had been closed and only then did she begin to speak. "Forgive me for disturbing you," her eyes glanced at the thick book on his desk. "I am leaving Mirkwood today."

A strange, yet welcome feeling of relief washed over the former star. Raising both eyebrows, he appeared surprised, "you're going?"

"Yes, I am afraid so," an apologetic smile graced her lips. "I came to say goodbye."

Nodding in acknowledgment to her words, Êlon turned away from her and moved to stand by his rather crowded desk. "I wish you a safe journey My Lady."

If Sairene noticed the slightly hostile note in his voice, she did not show it. "I thank you." Bobbing a small curtsy, she turned towards the door.

"I know everything."

Narrowing her eyes in confusion, the young Queen turned back to face her former tutor, "no one knows everything. So what could you possibly mean by that?"

Stepping forward, Êlon smiled, but there was no warmth in the expression. "That is where you are wrong My Lady. I may not know everything about the world we live in, but when it comes to you, yes. I know just about everything."

A disbelieving laugh escaped the Queen's lips. "That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!" Directing her eyes to his, Êlon saw twin burning orbs, "you know nothing about me save for what I want you to know!"

The star was taken aback by how fast she had changed. The already ice-blue of her eyes became colder and her very demeanor became harsher. "And don't I know it!" A short humourless laugh followed his words.

"What do you mean by that?" The words came out from behind clenched teeth.

"Do you really have to ask me that?"

"If I knew the answer do you think I would waste my time by asking?"

Êlon did not answer right away. Moving to sit behind his desk, he leaned back and studied the young woman before him. "Do you recall when I came to your Kingdom?"

"Of course I do. Do you think I would so easily forget someone who disrespected me to such an extent?"

Êlon nodded. "As I recall, I was simply stating the truth of what I observed." He narrowed his eyes as he gauged her reaction.

"So you remember?" Sairene kept any shock well hidden. How had he managed to break through the memory block?!

"Indeed I do," pushing himself up, Êlon used his hands to lean on his desk. "Surprised?"

Raising one elegant eyebrow, Sairene looked him straight in the eye, "should I be?"

Silence answered her. Smirking, Sairene straightened her posture. "Did you really think that you could frighten me in such a way?" Receiving no answer, she took a step forward and brought her face close to his, "let me make something very clear to you." Her voice lowered to a dangerous whisper, "I do very bad things and I do them extremely well." Drawing back, she smiled slightly as shock registered on the former star's features.

"You are like the snow that covers your kingdom," Êlon straightened and looked her in the eye, "beautiful but cold."

Taking this as a complement rather than the insult it was intended to be, Sairene smiled and bowed, "that is most kind of you. Now if you will excuse me, I must be going."

"Soon I will not be the only one who knows the truth about you."

Pausing by the door, she turned to look at him, her graceful features contorting into a sneer, "good luck trying to convince them, they will think you to be as mad as you believe me to be." Turning away, she swept from the room, leaving Êlon feeling more determined than ever to prove her wrong.

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