Chapter 13: Insubordination

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He had never felt anything like it before; the pain was excruciating!

He had been heading steadily north when he heard a loud clap of thunder. Then, out of nowhere a bolt of lightning came and struck the ground in front of his galloping horse. Frightened, the horse shied so suddenly that Einarr lost his grip on the reins. Falling sideways, he landed hard on the ground and hit his head. The pain was enough to shoot a blinding whiteness before his eyes. His grunt of pain was cut short by a cry of pure agony as his still frightened horse stomped on his leg, breaking it.

Not being able to move without grimacing in pain, Einarr watched helplessly as his horse took off in the direction of the palace.

Still breathing heavily, Sairene backed away from the window. While she had the power to call down lightning, she did not, as yet, have the ability to aim. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried not to think of the very real possibility that she could have hit him, the only person in the whole kingdom whom she trusted and was even remotely on her side.

Not being able to clear her mind of those thoughts, the Queen sent a group of four guards to bring him back. Watching them leave, she decided then and there that, for this, Einarr would become well acquainted with the interior of a prison cell. She would not tolerate insubordination, even from him. 

Becoming tired of waiting, Sairene left the throne room. Making her way outside, her curiosity flared up when she saw a group of people huddled around something or someone. Believing it to be Einarr, Sairene schooled her expression into one of authority and marched down the steps and towards the group.

The sound of the approaching footsteps caused the group to step aside.

Riding swiftly north, the Queen's guards kept a keen eye out for the young man she had described.

Having managed to splint his leg with his tunic and a nearby branch, Einarr looked desperately around for something that would help him stand. The fact that his horse had run off did not help his situation; the palace was a fair distance away, even further on a broken leg with a make-shift splint. Just thinking of his horse made him realise that it may have reached the palace by now and hopefully the Queen would have been alerted. But then again, Einarr had seen how little she cared when he left.

Leaning back against a nearby tree, Einarr began to plan his journey back. His planning came to a stop when the sound of multiple hoof beats caught his attention. Shifting to a more obvious position, he waved his arms in wild gestures to catch the attention of whoever was coming.

"Over there! I see someone!" Pointing to the figure in the distance, the guard led his companions in that direction.

Relief flooded Einarr as he saw four figures on horseback come towards him.

~At the Palace~

"Move! Out of my way!"

The Queen's voice was harsher than usual. Knowing full well what happened if they disobeyed her, the crowd parted to reveal a horse, one she recognised.

"Where is he?" The horse was Einarr's and the Queen was becoming increasingly worried and she was convinced that her lightning bolt had hit him.

"Where is he?!" Lashing out, she gripped the tunic of the nearest servant, "WHERE IS HE?!" Her grip tightened and she shook the servant, "are you deaf?" Her voice was much calmer, "if not, then answer the damn question!"

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