Chapter 30: Chain of Command

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A series of knocks echoed through the hall-like space of Irrelia's throne room.

Knowing what this meant, Einarr stepped back and watched as the Queen's appearance altered and shifted to resemble the flawless and cold beauty of the woman before him. Her scars disappeared and her blind eye gained the icy blue of the other.

Motioning for Einarr to open the doors, Sairene straightened her posture and moved to stand by one of the windows with her back to whomever should enter.

"Your Majesty."

Turning ever so slightly, Sairene's eyes swept over the being that stood only a few feet away from where she stood.

Halion shifted uncomfortably under her direct gaze.


Directing his eyes to the floor, Halion swallowed hard before finally summoning the courage to speak. "I am here on behalf of the rest of the Kingdom."

Narrowing her eyes, Sairene fully turned in his direction. "Why?"

"They wish me to speak with you about a pressing matter."

This caught not only the Queen's attention but Einarr's as well. Could it possibly be the same as the one on Einarr's mind?


Halion took a deep breath before looking up and meeting her eyes. "I beg your pardon Your Majesty, how might I answer?"

A sigh of frustration accompanied the words, "what is the matter?!"

"Oh Your Majesty, forgive me!"

Sairene impatiently waved away the apology. "Yes, yes."

"It is the cold Your Majesty."

"What about it?"

"The people wish to know, when will it end?"

Of all the questions she had been asked, this one came unexpectedly. Shocked laughter echoed around the throne room as a result.

"Your Majesty?"


"Forgive me but, the people would like me to bring back an answer for them."

Sairene smiled, but it held no warmth or reassurance; her smiles never really did. "Do they now?"

Halion nodded.

"Well who am I to deprive them of that?"

Confusion spread across Halion's features, was she actually going to simply give him one to take back just like that?

"Do you know what the Chain of Command is?"

Her voice broke through his confused contemplations. Before he could answer however, she continued. "It seems as though I shall have to educate you."

Making her way towards him, she only stopped when her face was a hairs breadth away from his. "It is the chain that I will go and get to beat you with until you fully understand who is in command here. Is that understood?"

To say that Halion and Einarr were shocked would be a severe understatement.

Managing a quick nod, Halion once again directed his gaze to the floor, "yes Your Majesty."

"Good. Now go."

Only too happy to obey, Halion bowed and all but ran from the room.

Only when the clang of closing doors sounded through the room did Einarr turn to his Queen. "Is there really such a thing?"

"Of course there is Einarr," she made it sound so normal, "I always mean what I say, of that you can always be sure."

"But My Lady," Einarr knew he should be used to this by now. "Why?"

Sighing heavily, Sairene closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Because Einarr, there is no other way." Her tired delivery reminded Einarr of what he had seen only minutes earlier.

"There is always another way My Lady!" He did not want to believe that this was the same woman who had, not minutes earlier, spoken to him of self-loathing in a voice so desperate and pleading.

"I tried Einarr, but it didn't work."

Taken aback by her words, Einarr blinked in surprise, "what did you try My Lady?"

"I tried to do it differently. I tried to make them all my allies, friends even, but now..."

Intrigued, Einarr moved towards her and stopped a little distance away. "What is it My Lady?"

Looking up, she met his warm brown eyes with her icy blue ones, "I want them all to suffer, to suffer like I have," looking away, she moved towards the window, "like I do." The last words were whispered and Einarr believed he was not meant to hear them.

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