Chapter 16: Family

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"Your Majesty, there is someone here that would like to speak with you." The guard waited for her response and when none came, he bowed and silently left the throne room.

Sairene heard the message, she took it in but did not say a word. Her people had come to realise that, her silence was more amiable than the words she spoke. Leaning back against the cool marble of the throne, she waited for this person to be brought in. Closing her eyes, she rhythmically tapped her fingers on the throne's armrests, the sound echoing in the otherwise silent room.

The elven messenger was escorted to the throne room by Halion, who did not understand why anyone would want to speak with the Queen. Stopping outside the closed double doors, Halion cast a sympathetic glance in the messenger's direction. Pushing one of the doors open, he stepped aside to allow the messenger enough room to pass through. Nodding once, he pulled the door closed and made his way down the hall.

Hearing the door open and close, Sairene remained in her statue-like position, with only her fingers moving.

The first thing that that the young elf noticed was how much colder it was in the throne room compared to the rest of the palace. The throne room was indeed quite large, with columns on either side. The heavy and almost awkward silence was broken by a rhythmic tapping that seemed to be coming from every direction. Gathering up his courage, the messenger proceeded to make his way closer to the throne. The closer he got, the more it's occupant came into view. He had been told that the Queen was young, even for a human and that she was unearthly beautiful. As he laid eyes on her, he came to realise that there was indeed truth in those descriptions.

The Queen sat silently on a throne made of white marble. She sat so still she could have passed for a statue. Her hair, a pale gold, was piled elegantly on top of her head with small strands hanging down in loose curls. The gown she wore surprised the messenger, he was confused as to how the Queen was not cold, he could see his own breath! It was a silver and red armoured gown, the fabric flowed around her like water. Her eyes though, were what brought him up short. Two ice-blue orbs looked down on him, making him feel even shorter than he already was. As beautiful as she was, he felt intimidated by her and he felt, in that moment, that the center of this woman's attention was a very dangerous place to be.

"I believe you wanted to speak with me," her voice was as soft and as dangerous as the snow that carpeted the palace grounds.

Nodding quickly, the messenger pulled out the piece of parchment that Thranduil have given to him. "Y-yes Your Majesty," he wasn't sure if the stutter came from the cold or because of her. "Or rather, I was asked to give you this." Ascending the few steps up to the throne, he quickly passed the King's letter to the young royal.

Taking the letter, Sairene unrolled it and began to read:

My dear niece,

I do not wish to sound impatient but it has almost been an entire month since I sent the last message. When I did not receive your customary quick reply, I began to worry, but then again, you could simply have forgotten.

Nevertheless, I would like you come to Mirkwood. There is no specific reason, but since our kingdoms are allies, I do believe that this meeting would be beneficial for both of us.

Please return with my messenger.

Your uncle,

King of the Woodland Realm

So her uncle wanted to see her did he?! Sairene smiled to herself before rolling up the message. Standing up, she swept down the few steps that led from the throne to the floor. Turning to the messenger, she said, "wait here." The messenger nodded and remained standing where he was.

Red Snow (The Shadows bk.3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang