Chapter 25: Promises

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Sleep evaded Êlon that night. Horrific images would flash before his eyes whenever he closed them.

Sitting at his desk, the former star rested his chin on his folded hands. He could not believe it! He did not want to believe it!

"I am doing you a favour."  The memory's voice echoed around the room as clear as though the Queen was in the room with him. Leaning back, Êlon rested his head against the back of his chair. Looking up at the stone ceiling, he once again felt the intense anger flow through him, anger and hatred; hatred at the young woman that called herself Queen, anger that she had violated his mind and stolen those memories.

Resolving to confront her, Êlon pushed himself out of the chair and made for the door when a familiar voice stopped him.

"And where might you be off to?"

Turning around, Êlon came face-to-face with his creator, Varda.

"My Lady!" Êlon bowed out of respect and to hide his surprise, he had not been expecting her!

"You did not answer my question Êlon," her tone was like that of a mother scolding her child.

"Forgive me My Lady." Taking a deep breath, he looked her in the eye, "I was on my way to speak with Sairene, there is a matter I wish to discuss with her."

Varda did not answer right away. Instead, she paced the length of the room, her gown floating around her like a cloud. "This matter that you wish to discuss with her, of what nature is it?"

Knowing that he could not lie to her, Êlon spoke plainly, "she stole from me."

Narrowing her eyes, Varda moved closer to him, "stole from you? What did she steal that holds so much importance and is of such significance that you would go to her with nothing but anger and hatred in your heart?"

Êlon was struck speechless.

"I know what is in your heart my dear, I created you," her eyes seemed to pin him to the spot. "I summoned you to be a friend and tutor, yet you have only accomplished one." Clicking her tongue disapprovingly, the Star Queen stepped back and her blue gaze swept over him.

"I tried My Lady, truly I did!" Holding his hands out in a pleading manner, Êlon struggled to keep his voice level. "Please My Lady, you must know that she is the one that pushed me away, not the other way around."

Nodding, Varda sighed sadly. "Alas for her, what you say is true. I have seen what she has become." The sadness in her tone surprised Êlon. "But it is not for you to dispense judgement, however right you may be."

"Then what am I to do?" Throwing his hands into the air, Êlon sighed with exasperation, "am I to stand by and simply watch as she weaves a web of lies and deceit?! I cannot allow her to harm anyone else!"

Varda rounded on him, her eyes twin orbs of blue flame. Her ink-black hair swirled like a storm cloud around her. "Do not presume to think that I will do nothing! I have seen the horrors of what she has done, I have heard the screams of her people and their pleas for help!"

Êlon stepped back, he had never seen her like this before and he feared what would happen. Hoping to appear contrite, he sank to one knee and directed his gaze to the ground, "forgive me My Lady, I meant no offense."

With one breath, the Queen of the Valar transformed into her calmer self. Leaning forward, she gently lifted his chin, "you must never forget who I am my dear. Come now, stand up."

Doing as she requested, he stood up and folded his hands behind his back. "What is to be done My Lady?"

Smiling briefly, Varda moved to one of the open windows, "you will do nothing to provoke her. Tomorrow Lord Elrond of Rivendell shall arrive and he will be the one to speak with her. Not you, is that understood?"

Êlon nodded, "yes My Lady."

Once again turning to him, Varda looked him straight in the eye, "promise me that you will not speak of this matter with her. Promise me Êlon."

Sighing in defeat, Êlon promised, "I promise My Lady."

Nodding in acknowledgment, the Star Queen slowly faded until it was only Êlon in the room.

Padding over to the bed, Êlon lay down and stared at the ceiling, still unable to sleep. Turning to glance out the window at the moon, a memory of Sairene's laughter echoed through his mind, mocking him. 

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