Chapter 5: Power & Paranoia

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"There you are!" Einarr had almost reached the throne room when he saw the Queen exit it with a guest in tow. Having spotted him, Sairene could not help the smile that spread across her features. "Einarr, this is Êlon," turning a little, Sairene stepped back to allow the elven visitor to step forward. Einarr in turn was a little surprised at the Queen's friendly manner towards the unexpected visitor; she did not take too kindly to those that came without prior arrangement. Stepping forward, Êlon bowed slightly, "it is a pleasure to meet you My Lord." Einarr, more confused than ever, bowed back, "the pleasure is all mine Sir. If I may be so bold, how is it that you know Her Majesty?" Smiling, Sairene stepped forward and answered for Êlon, "he was my tutor Einarr, he taught me while I visited the elves in Mirkwood."

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Einarr took in the elf before him, "what did he teach you My Lady?" A few moments of silence passed before the Queen spoke, her eyes turned to the elf and a faint smile playing on her lips, "he taught me how to better defend myself and my people. Thanks to his teachings, this kingdom has experienced almost an entire decade of peace and has suffered no further attacks." Pride laced her words and Êlon began to wander if this was the same person he had met in the icy throne room only moments before.

Einarr, for his part, wandered if perhaps this elf was the one responsible for teaching the Queen the abilities she now possessed; he would have to enquire further into this matter. He had seen the pride that had entered her eyes when she spoke of him and was further surprised at the obvious high regard she held him in. The Queen never failed to surprise as well as confuse him.

Satisfied that the introductions had gone smoothly enough, Sairene excused herself and Êlon, "thank you Einarr. As our guest is likely to stay a few days, please have the servants prepare a room for him and make sure to tell the cook we have one extra for our meals. I do not have time to look for another cook at present," Einarr nodded at her words, "of course Your Majesty." With those words, he turned on his heels and disappeared down the hall. Confused by the Queen's words, Êlon turned to her, "what exactly did you mean by that My Lady?" She only smiled before going in the opposite direction, "the cook before kept sneaking different herbs into my food and drink." Walking quickly to catch up, Êlon tried to make sense of her words, "but surely Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with having herbs infused in drinks and mixed in with food." Briefly closing her eyes, Sairene stopped and turned to face him, "these were no ordinary herbs Êlon. When I confronted the cook, she pleaded innocence as to their proper uses." Narrowing his eyes, the star thought carefully about his next words, "and what were their uses My Lady, if I may be so bold?" Sairene sighed and met his eyes, ice blue against earthy brown. "They are used to help those with mental afflictions."

Êlon did not entirely know what to make of this, her own people thought there was something wrong with her?! "But," Sairene's voice broke through his thoughts, "I knew she was lying; as a cook, she would know every herb that grows in this kingdom as well as their uses." Êlon took a deep breath and asked a question that he knew he would dread the answer to, "what happened to her?" The young monarch folded her hands neatly in front of her and smiled calmly at her former tutor, "well, let us just say that it was the last lie she ever told. In fact," her smile seemed out of place, almost as though she was recalling a favourite memory, "her words were her last. She went behind my back, so I made an example out of her and placed her alongside all those that believed they knew better." In that moment, Êlon recalled the frozen young woman in the throne room and cold horror washed over him, "that was her wasn't it? The young woman back in the throne room, the one you touched." Sairene nodded, her smile widening, "yes!" She sounded as proud as a parent who had just listened to their child utter their first word. "But My Lady!" Êlon could not keep the shock from his voice, "she was so young! Surely, she meant no harm!" The Queen's gaze hardened, "no one is too young to commit treason Êlon." Her voice had been lowered to a whisper and caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up. "And anyone who believes that he or she knows better than me or questions why I make the decisions that I do, will be found and dealt with in a manner that I am sure you are very familiar with. Because it was you who taught it to me after all," with those words, her eyes softened a little and she turned back in the desired direction.

Êlon was left speechless, did she really just push part of the blame onto him? He could only stare after her; walking ahead of him was a woman he thought he knew well but in truth, he did not know her at all. Power and paranoia had gone to her head and when those two combined, it was never a good sign.

Red Snow (The Shadows bk.3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें