Chapter 34: Cure ?

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"Help her!"

His sister's voice seemed more urgent than he had ever heard it. Thranduil could not simply look in one direction for the voice seemed to come from everywhere at once!

"You must help her Thranduil!"

The Elvenking was surprised at the desperation that clung to every word. "Eliean?! What is it?! What's wrong?!"

"It's Sairene."

Sighing heavily, Thranduil ran a weary hand through his hair, "what about her?"

"She has gone too far this time!"

"What are you saying?"

A soft sigh echoed off the stone walls, "her mind continues to be poisoned ." The sadness in Eliean's voice almost brought tears to the Elvenking's eyes.

His sister's words reminded him of what she had told him months ago. Sairene was unwell and without help, she would only spiral further downwards. "It is her illness, isn't it?"

"I am afraid so. She is slipping further and further, even I cannot reach her."

Thranduil narrowed his eyes in confusion, "what do you mean?"

Eliean sighed, "I cannot speak with her as I used to. It is as though she is blocking me, preventing me from reaching out."

The King began to pace, he did not like the sound of this, not one bit. "But I do not understand, what has it got to do with me?"

"You can help her!"

"Help her?!" He did not bother to hide the shock, "she hates me!"

"I know dear brother but, you must try, please!" The begging tone of his sister's voice was not something he was used to hearing.

"I do not know how!"

"Speak with Arvellon," Thranduil could almost see his sister's hopeful smile. "I know that the both of you have your differences but, Sairene trusts him and sees him as a friend. I believe that if Arvellon is made aware of her condition, I am sure he would be more than willing to help."

Despite the confidence in Eliean's words, Thranduil felt doubtful. "How do you know that?"

"Because," she sounded as though she was smiling, "they have been corresponding via letters these past few months, they tell each other basically everything."

During Eliean's short speech, Thranduil's mind had wondered back to the beginning of their conversation. "You said she had gone too far, what exactly did you mean by that?"

It was sometime before Eliean answered. Her voice was quieter and filled with sadness, "she has resorted to more brutal methods."

"Brutal methods?"

"Yes."  Eliean's tone was reluctant, as though this was the last topic she wished to speak about. "She, she, the punishments she deals are no longer done with magic."  Thranduil noticed that his sister's voice trembled near the end.

"What exactly does that mean Eliean? I have to know if I am to help her."

"I believe it is better if I show you."

Confused, Thranduil opened his mouth to reply when suddenly he was no longer in his palace in Mirkwood.

He stood in a vast room, with columns on either side. He stood amongst a large group of people, all of whom were facing forward.

He made his way to the front of the crowd, and it was then that he saw her. There she stood, her thick pale gold hair was streaked with red and her hands were covered in it. His eyes were then drawn to her right hand with which she held a whip, or that is what it looked like at first glance. Thranduil was horrified when he realised that she was in fact holding a chain studded with spikes. But it was not only the chain she held that horrified him, she was smiling! And oh what a terrifying smile it was!

Managing to tear his eyes away from her, Thranduil saw that a figure was huddled on the ground at her feet. Stepping forward, he saw that the figure was in fact a young man! He was covered in blood and gashes decorated his flesh in horrifying patterns.

Thranduil gasped as he was brought back to the present. He feared he would never forget that image!

"So you see now?"

Unable to speak, Thranduil merely nodded.

"I am sorry that you had to see that but it could be explained no other way." A sad sigh followed the words. "My beautiful girl has become a creature of cruelty, and I need you and Arvellon to bring her back!"

Thranduil was silent during his sister's speech and it was only until she had finished speaking that he finally found his voice again. "Alright muinthel, I will try but I can make no promises."

Instead of a verbal reply, Thranduil felt a soft breeze caress his cheek and turning to look out the window, he smiled sadly at the full moon.

Elvish to English translations:

Muinthel - Sister

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