Chapter 1

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James's POV

"Her wavy blonde hair. Her deep brown eyes. How do I get a girl like her to like a guy like me?" Eldon asked. We were sitting in Hidalgos during our break from rehearsal.
"Simple. Interest, date, love." I responded.
"What does that mean?" He asked. I chuckled.
"Step 1: get her interest. Talk to her, have her notice you, simple. Step 2: take her on a date. Girls love romance, so take her to a romantic restaurant or something. Step 3: love. Build a relationship, until she tells you she loves you. She'll never want to leave you. It works like a charm." I explained.
"How do you know?" He inquired.
"How do you think I got Beth so attached to me?" I asked, laughing. He chuckled with me.
"There she is." He exclaimed, watching Michelle enter.
"Go talk to her." I said. He nodded, heading over to her.
"Do you really think he has a chance?" West asked me.
"Honestly, no. But he can try." I answered. I watched Eldon and Michelle for a while, crossing my arms and smirking. Suddenly, I felt a body collide with mine, and something cold pour down my shirt. My head snapped around to see a girl looking at me, anger evident in her face. She was rather short, and had short ombré hair. Her dark chocolate brown eyes looked me up and down as her mouth stayed open.
"Watch where you're going!" She snapped.
"Hey! I was just standing here! You're the one that spilled their drink all over me." I said back.
"If it's my fault, why do I have smoothie all over myself as well?" She questioned rhetorically. I looked her up and down. She did have smoothie on her as well, but I noticed the Chanel handbag, and the jimmy choo shoes that my ex girlfriend had.
"You're just another snobby, stuck up, rich girl." I shot at her.
"Better than being an angry, dirty, broke boy like you." She shot back, before placing her empty cup on the table by us, and walking around me, and out the door.
"Wow. What a diva." West said, staring at where the girl had just exited. My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to reveal a text from my dad.
"Damn it. I have to cancel guys night tonight. My dad last minute has to go to some party for work and has decided I have to go with him." I said annoyed.
"Sorry dude. Hey, I gotta go, I'm gonna get a closer look at Eldon with Michelle, but I'll catch you later." West said, walking away from me.


I looked around the room. This was a very stupid event that clearly showed the boss had money. I mean, we were in a ballroom in his house! It was decorated like something out of the 18th century, and people were dressed like they were too. Including me. My dad made me. I sighed, reaching for my phone out of boredom, when I saw a girl. She was walking across the dance floor, talking to a girl with blonde hair down to her shoulders, and an emerald green dress and mask. But the girl I was interested in had her brown hair pulled back, and wore a gold dress with a gold mask. She was the only one in the room in gold, which made her more noticeable. I slipped my phone back into my pocket, and headed towards her.

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