Chapter 2

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James's POV

The blonde walked away from the brunette, towards a guy with brown hair. They hugged, and walked farther away from the brunette, leaving her alone. I headed over to her. By the time I was beside her, she was looking the other way, all alone. "Waiting for someone?" I asked, causing her to jump in surprise. She turned to look at me, and I saw chocolate brown eyes from behind her mask. I couldn't even describe her to you. She was what every guy dreamed up. Perfect.
"Uh no. I'm not." She said, responding to my question. Her voice was soft, and familiar. But I didn't know where I'd heard it before.
"Well, in that case, care to dance?" I asked her, holding out my hand. She smiled.
"Sure." She responded as she took my hand. Unsteady by X Ambassadors came on as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She interlocked her fingers behind my neck as we swayed to the music. "What's your name?" She asked me as we danced.
"James. What about you?" I replied.
"Riley." She told me. Even her name was cute. "Who works in the company and what position?" She asked curiously.
"My dad. I don't know exactly what position. Not very high up though, he's about middle class." I responded. "What about you?" I added.
"Well, both my parents work there." She answered.
"What position?" I asked. She bit her lip, before answering.
"They own it." She said quietly.
"Woah, this is your house?!" I asked in disbelief. She nodded. "Cool. It's so big!" I exclaimed.
"Well, it is a multi-million dollar company." She told me. I smiled, turning my head slightly.
"What's out there?" I asked, looking at one of the many sets of glass doors.
"The courtyard. Wanna go see it?" She asked. I nodded.
"Yeah." I responded. We made our way through the crowd of people and out to the courtyard. It was huge. There were walking trails going in different directions, into a forest, around the house, by the water. "Let's go this way." I said, dragging Riley down the path by the water. We walked for a while making small talk, until we heard giggling coming from the forest beside us. I stepped forward, and pushed a couple branches out of the way, to see the brunette male I had seen earlier, pulling the blonde, who was the source of the giggling, through the forest. I saw Riley roll her eyes beside me.
"That's my sister Emily and her boyfriend Hunter. They probably have gone to make out in the forest where my dad won't see." She said, her tone somewhere in between laughter and disgust. We turned, and continued walking by the river, admiring the lights reflecting off it. As we continued talking, I found out we have a lot in common. We both dance, or at least she used to, we've both been to Nationals, different years though, she was even Miss Nationals Soloist 3 years in a row before quitting dance, the next year Michelle won for the first time. As well, we both have sisters and we even like the same shows. As time went on, I felt more and more attracted to her. We stopped and sat on a bench, and the light was shining behind her, making her almost seem to glow. She was so irresistible, I couldn't help it, and I leaned in, connecting our lips.

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