Chapter 4

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James's POV

It was today I realized that Riley went into Hidalgos everyday at the same time, which was the time we had break from rehearsals every single day. When she first walked in, she didn't notice me. But I saw her the instant she entered. She went to the counter and ordered her juice as I shifted uncomfortably. Last night was amazing, better than I could imagine, but we barely know each other. Riley got her juice, and turned to leave, but her face fell when she saw me. A blush rose to her cheeks, and she looked slightly embarrassed. Then she noticed my friends by me, Eldon, West, Michelle and.... Stephanie. She was almost sat on my lap because there were no other seats left. I saw sadness and guilt fall on Riley's face. She probably thought Stephanie was my girlfriend. She looked down as she quickly started to walk out of Hidalgos. I liked her too much to just let her leave. I found myself on my feet, walking as fast as possible to her. My friends called me, confused, but I ignored them as I reached Riley. I grabbed her arm, holding her back. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." She said, looking up at me upset.
"She's not my girlfriend." I told her.
"Are you just one of those players? Sleep with a girl and then never talk to her again? Is that what you were planning to do?" She asked me.
"No." I argued.
"Should I go tell her? I'm sure you've done it before, she deserves to know you're cheating on her." Riley told me.
"She's not my girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend. I swear. Ask any of them and they'll tell you. They're my friends. There were no seats left so we all squeezed on a couch that is way too tiny for that amount of people. Riley, I really like you, I'm not just gonna throw whatever we may have away." I told her.

Stephanie's POV

"Who is that?" I asked, looking over at the girl James was with. She wasn't like his usual girlfriends. She was conservative, quiet, and collected. She didn't seem like someone James would date.
"That's the diva that spilled her juice on James yesterday, than blamed it on him." West answered, glancing over at them, before at his phone again. "He hates her." He added. I furrowed my brows.
"Then why are they hugging?" I asked him. He looked up, surprised to see the two hugging. They pulled away, and talked again. The girl looked over at us nervously, as she spoke. James then shook his head, and put an arm around waist, guiding her over to us.
"Hey." James said, keeping his arm around the girl. She looked really nervous, especially when she looked at West.
"Who's this?" West asked, obviously trying to figure out what was going on, considering he said the girl was a jerk.
"This is Riley. We're..." James trailed off, looking over at the girl, who I now know is Riley. "It's complicated." James finished for himself. "Riley, this is West, Eldon, Michelle, and Stephanie. My friends." He said, emphasizing the word 'friends'. Riley waved awkwardly, before turning to James.
"I have to go. Emily's waiting for me." She said to him, he nodded, and she turned to leave, but Michelle spoke before she could.
"Oh my god! I love your shoes! Are they designer?!" She squealed.
"Uh, yeah. Chanel. I really have to go though. It was nice meeting you." She said, before leaving.
"It's complicated? What does that mean?" West asked, annoyed James was hanging out with her.
"It's nothing." He answered, looking at his phone.

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