Chapter 13

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Emily's POV

"I-uh... I need to think about it." Riley answered, hesitantly.
"Why? Your sister has asked you to be her maid of honour, you should feel honoured. You should accept without any second thoughts." Mom scolded, looking at Riley almost in disappointment.
"I just have a lot on my mind right now, that's all." Riley mumbled, keeping her head down as she played with her food.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"It's nothing, don't worry." She replied, still not looking up.
"Something has to be wrong if you're going to turn up an offer like that." Dad said, confused.
"Dad, can we just drop it? Please?" Riley begged, finally glancing up from her food.
"Riley I-" Mom started to say, but I cut her off.
"No, it's fine. It was sudden. She can have time to think." I said, ending the conversation. Riley looked up at me, her expression half relieved, half confused. I wonder why.


James's POV

My leg shook as we waited in the doctors office. Although we wouldn't find out the results until later, it was just nerve wracking, sitting here, thinking about it. What if the test was wrong, drug store tests can still be wrong. I definitely wouldn't have asked for a child right now, but if Riley's pregnant I wouldn't get rid of it either. I saw Riley come back with the vial, and hand it to the woman at the desk. "We'll call you with the results within 4-24 hours." The woman said, and Riley nodded, walking over to me.
"Ready?" I asked her. She nodded again, and I stood up, heading out of the doctors office. "I have rehearsal in half an hour, so where do you want to go?" I asked her as we walked towards my car.
"Can I go to your rehearsal? To watch only, don't worry, I won't show you up with my amazing dance moves." She joked. I rolled my eyes.
"If you can still do the splits after 2 years of not stretching, I'd be impressed." I told her. "But do you really wanna come? You'd just be sitting on the side watching, that is, if Kate lets you watch." I added.
"Who's Kate?" She asked.
"The owner." I replied. "But answer my question."
"Yeah, I wanna come. I haven't seen people dance in a long time, and I've never seen you dance." She said.
"You see people dance all the time, your parents have lots of ball type parties." I joked.
"You know what I mean." She responded, opening the passenger side door. I got in the drivers side, and started the car.
"I'm warning you, it's 4 hours of boring rehearsal where we'll do the same dance 100 times." I said, making sure she was positive she wanted to go.
"I've watched my parents do the same budget calculation 65 times, compared to that, this is like binge watching Netflix." She told me. "Plus my parents kinda hate me for almost turning down maid of honour in Emily's wedding, so watching dance is more fun than listening to lectures." I chuckled, reversing out of the parking spot.
"If you're sure." I said, heading towards the studio.


Riley's POV

My phone vibrated in my pocket, pulling my attention away from the dance being performed. I looked at the caller ID. It was the doctors office, probably with the results. I'm about to find out the answer to a question that could change my entire future. I stood up, pressing the talk button. Here goes nothing.

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