Chapter 9

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Riley's POV

James held me tight to him as we lay under the covers. I turned in his grasp, so I could see him, and smiled. "I bet Alfie can't do that." I whispered to him, teasing how he'd been jealous before. He smiled, leaning forward and kissing my nose. I closed my eyes for a moment, relaxing in James's arms. "We have to get back to the party." I mumbled, my eyes still closed.
"Why don't we just run away together, that way things won't ever interrupt us again." James mumbled back, causing me to giggle.
"Unfortunately that can't happen." I said, opening my eyes to look at him.
"No?" He questioned.
"No." I confirmed, shaking my head. I pecked his lips, lingering for a second, before pulling away, moving out of his grasp. I stood up, the sheet wrapped around me as I picked up the clothes that had been scattered all over the place. I headed into my bathroom to change, and fix my hair and makeup, before returning to my room. James sat on the bed, putting his shoes on, already changed. I half heartedly fixed the bed, before heading back out to the party, holding James's hand tight.


It was midnight now, and I couldn't sleep. My sheets smelled like James, which made me miss him, even though I'd seen him today. We felt so right together, I'd never felt anything like this before. I think I'm falling in love with him.

James's POV

I stared at the ceiling. Riley was different, in a good way. She wasn't like any girlfriends I'd had before. She wasn't into me because of my popularity, or because I was on A troupe, or because I was attractive, I mean we had our first kiss before we could even see each other's faces, and it definitely wasn't because she had heard rumours about me being a good kisser, she hadn't known me before. She just liked me for me. I mean, I am a good kisser, and I hope people find me attractive, but she doesn't care about that. She likes me. All of me, something I don't think any of my past girlfriends have liked. They liked certain aspects of me, but never everything. Riley doesn't care if I'm not dressed up all the time, or if our lips are always together. I think that's why I love her. Wait! I love her. I love Riley. How have I not realized it before? My mind raced back to the first time I had met her, back in Hidalgos when her juice had been spilled on me. I remember what I said to Eldon, interest, date, love. We had used those tactics, without realizing it. I had used those with Riley, the love part though I can't be sure of, and she had used them with me. We had spiked interest at that work party, we had been a date today, and it's now I realized that I love her. I smiled to myself, rolling over to grab my phone.
Riley: Miss you😔
I smiled, looking at the text I'd just received.
James: Miss you too baby girl😘Can we meet at Hidalgos tomorrow? I need to tell you something.
Riley: Sure. I'll be there normal time. Xx
I smiled again, turning my phone off. Yeah, interest, date, love. I bet Eldon isn't doing this good.

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