Chapter 3

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Riley's POV

We pulled away after a minute of kissing. My lips tingled. When we touched, a warm fuzzy feeling had spread throughout my body, and now it was slowly fading away. "I don't know what came over me." James said. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." I told him. Our faces were only inches apart, and I so desperately wanted to connect our lips again. But that would be wrong. We've only known each other for a couple hours. We haven't even seen each other's faces properly. Suddenly, the clock began to dong, pulling me out of my thoughts. It struck 12, and I heard my father's voice over the speaker.
"We invite everyone to remove their masks, before going back to dancing." He announced. I looked at James, before down at my hands. Then, I slowly reached my hands behind my head, and pulled at the ribbons of the mask. I untied it, and removed it at the same time he did. We stared for a second.
"You were the girl that spilled her juice on me today." He said quietly.
"You were the guy that called me a snobby, stuck up, rich girl." I said back quietly as well.
"I'm sorry." He apologized.
"You were right." I told him.
"No, I wasn't." He responded. "You may be rich, but you're not snobby or stuck up."
"You're not angry, dirty, or broke." I told him.
"Well, at the time I was angry, so you were right about that." He replied. We stared at each other, no words spoken between us, before our lips were together again, kissing fiercely. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to stand up off the bench. We were pressed as close together as possible, but I didn't mind. We started backing up, going I don't know where, but when we finally pulled away, we were deep in the forest. "I didn't mean to take us here." He said, sounding as though he was almost defending himself.
"I don't care." I shrugged, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. We connected our lips again, kissing the same way we had before. I moved my hands, grabbing his jacket and pulling it off. We pulled away, breathless, and I grabbed his hand. We stopped at a tree I recognized. "At the top is a treehouse." I told him, before pulling him towards the ladder. We started to climb, and when we got to the top, it was different than I remembered it. I hadn't been here in years because I thought Emily and Hunter were sleeping in it. And judging by the air mattress with blankets and pillows in the middle, and the stray clothes, I was guessing I was right. James pushed me against the wall, as we continued to kiss again. My hands found where his shirt was tucked in, and I hastily pulled it out. We pulled away again as I pulled it over his head. His arm wrapped to the back of my dress, where the ribbon was tied tightly to hold it up.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked me. I nodded, my head clouded, as he started to untie the ribbon.

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