Chapter 11

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Eldon's POV

"Maybe we can go on a double date sometime." I said to James, as we were warming up for rehearsal. He was silent, which confused me. "James?" I asked. His head snapped up, a confused look on his face.
"Sorry, what?" He asked me.
"I was saying maybe we could go on a double date sometime, seeing as Riley and Michelle seem to be getting close." I said again.
"Oh, yeah. I guess." He said halfheartedly, looking away.
"What's up? You seem distracted." I commented. He sighed.
"When we were in studio B, Michelle looked at Riley, and she looked away guiltily. It's just confusing me, because not even 20 minutes before, we had said we love each other." He explained.
"You've already said 'I love you', don't you think you're going a bit fast?" I asked him, furrowing my brow.
"No, I mean I do love her, and she loves me. But the problem is, why would she have a guilty look on her face? Is she hiding something?" He rambled. He stopped, his face lighting up. He'd gotten an idea. "You need to get Michelle to tell you what it is!" He exclaimed.
"What? I'm not doing that. Why don't you just ask Riley?" I asked him.
"Please!" James pleaded. "I'll make you a chocolate cake, like Hunter did. You can even shove it in my face if you want!" He added. I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"Fine. I'll try." I responded, which made him smile.

Michelle's POV

"Hey Eldon." I said as I saw him walk over to where Stephanie and I were stretching.
"Hi." He responded. "Steph, can I talk to Michelle alone for a second? Please?" He asked her.
"Sure." Steph answered, walking over to Giselle and Thalia.
"What's up?" I asked him, sliding into my splits.
"What's up between you and Riley? You know something." He said to me. I looked down, not knowing how to respond.
"I can't tell you. She's sworn me to secrecy." I told him, sitting with my knees in my chest.
"Can't you tell me? We're dating." Eldon said, pushing to get an answer.
"I'm sorry Eldon, but I'm not going to tell you so you can tell James. I promised." I responded. He groaned.
"How'd you know I was gonna tell James?" He asked me.
"I knew he probably put you up to it. Look, Riley will tell him when she's ready. But right now, she's not. Now stop asking about it, or I'll cancel tonight." I told him, making him shut up.


Riley's POV

I stared at the table, unable to look at James. We were out for dinner, but I was distracted. I can't keep this from him forever, I'll have to tell him soon. I just don't know when I'll be able to. What if he's everything Michelle and Stephanie said he is, what if he can't handle it? What if he leaves me? What if he's not ready? My thoughts were broken by James speaking. "Riles." He said softly, placing a hand on mine. I looked up at him, our eyes meeting for the first time since we'd sat down. "Is everything okay?" He asked, concerned. I bit my lip. "What happened earlier between you and Michelle?" He added.
"I'm not sure if I can tell you yet. You'll probably be mad. I'm not sure if I can lose you." I said, the last part whispered as tears came to my eyes.
"Baby, you can tell me anything, I promise I won't be mad. Please, just tell me." He told me. I looked down again, before moving my hand, reaching into my purse.

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