Chapter 15

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James's POV

"I'm pregnant." Riley blurted out. My parents sat, shocked, staring at us with wide eyes.
"Wow, this is better than I thought." Piper said, smirking as she looked between us and our parents.
"Uh, con-congratulations?" Mom stuttered, the look of shock never leaving her face. Dad cleared his throat, looking at Piper and Riley, before the kitchen.
"Riley, why don't you come with me to get something to drink?" Piper said, taking the hint. They moved into the kitchen. Once the door had been closed, my dad spoke.
"James are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked me.
"Yeah, I could take care of this child." I answered him.
"I'm just worried you aren't responsible enough." He told me.
"I swear, it'll be fine." I answered.
"Are you sure James?" Mom asked. "Your father's right, it's a huge responsibility."
"I can handle this, I'm mature and responsible enough, I promise." I said to them.
"What if you break up in a week?" Mom asked me.
"We won't. I love her." I told them.
"You'll need a job, and an apartment to live in, and you'll have to buy the baby stuff." Dad started to list.
"I'll quit dance and the band if I have to, and we can find an apartment, there's enough of them around here." I replied. My parents exchanged a glance.
"Alright, if you're sure you can handle it, I guess we're happy for you." Mom finally said. I smiled.
"Thanks." I responded.


Riley's POV

"I have an announcement." I said, causing everyone to look up from their food.
"Have you made a decision about Emily's offer?" Mom asked, intrigued.
"No, not yet." I replied. Mom scowled.
"Well what is it then?" She questioned, obviously hoping to move on from this topic.
"Remember James?" I asked. My father nodded.
"How could we forget?" He mumbled, which I chose to ignore.
"Uh, well... I'm pregnant." I said shakily. My parents both dropped their utensils, and my dad coughed on the food he'd just swallowed. However, when I turned to Emily, her eyes were lit up, and she was beaming.
"Congrats Ri! I'm going to be an aunt! How far along are you?" She asked excitedly, much to my surprise.
"I'm going to be 2 weeks on Wednesday." I answered her.
"Riley, is that James kid the father?" My dad asked, staring at me with an unreadable expression. I nodded my head, and my mother sighed.
"I have an idea!" She said brightly. "Why don't we get you an abortion, you're still early, we can play it off as a miscarriage." She explained, my father nodding his head whilst I shook mine.
"I agree with your mother. Many people have miscarriages." He stated.
"I'm not having an abortion dad." I told him, annoyed.
"Why not? Sweetie, we can pay for this abortion, we have enough money, don't worry. And we won't tell anyone about it, it'll be our little secret." He said happily. I shook my head again.
"No! I'm not not having an abortion because of cost, I'm not having an abortion because I want this baby! And so does James. We wanna be parents, together." I told them, frustrated.
"Riley you're too young for a commitment like that." Mom scolded.
"So? Emily's only a year older and she's getting married! That's just as big of a commitment! But you just like her better, don't you?!" I yelled, standing up from the table and walking out of the room. As I left though, I couldn't help but hear my father say one last thing.
"It's probably the hormones."

Guess what's going to happen next in the comments! I'm curious as to what you think will happen.

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