Chapter 7

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James's POV

I held Riley's waist as we walked around the courtyard. It was the day of her sisters engagement party, and we were just walking, talking about small things, just getting to know each other better. I felt out of place almost. Everyone here has money to spare, including Riley, and I'm still living with my parents. I haven't even gone to college. Everyone else has like 5 degrees. "Stop worrying." Riley suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I asked her, confused.
"You're worrying over not fitting in, I can tell. You're fine, I mean, you didn't show up in jeans and a t-shirt so that's pretty good already." She laughed as I looked down at the suit and tie I was wearing. I looked over at Riley again as she continued to laugh. Her hair had been curled, and she was dressed in a simple, loose pink dress. She looked beautiful. She always did. I leaned over, and connected our lips, her giggles melting away into the kiss. We pulled away after a couple seconds, and I smiled at her. "What?" She asked, raising her eyebrows at me.
"You're just cute, that's all." I told her, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Riley." A voice said as a guy walked over to us. Riley smiled at him.
"Alfie, how are you?" She asked sweetly.
"I'm fine, and yourself?" He answered, way too formally.
"I'm terrific, thanks." She said smiling as she looped her arm through mine, leaning her head on my shoulder.
"And who's this?" The Alfie dude inquired, looking at me.
"This is James. His dad works for my parents company." Riley answered.
"How interesting. What position?" He asked me.
"I don't necessarily know. Somewhere in middle class." I told him.
"Middle class, I see." He said, nodding towards me, a disapproving look in his eye. "Well Riley I must get going, I haven't seen your sister yet. It was nice running into you again." Alfie said to Riley, before turning and walking away from us.
"He doesn't like me." I said to Riley as we walked again.
"So? Who cares? The only thing that matters is that my parents like you." She answered. I guess she was right, who cares if some guy doesn't like me? He can't be that important anyway. Probably just some millionaires son. "Speaking of parents." Riley added as we saw a woman and a man make their way over to us.
"Riley, who is this?" The man inquired politely.
"Dad this is James, I met him at the party last week." She answered.
"Oh." Her mother answered, not looking very impressed. I did my best to smile nicely at her, and hide the fact that I knew I didn't fit in here. "Riley have you seen Alfred?" She inquired, turning her attention away from me and towards her daughter.
"We were just talking to him." Riley responded.
"Such a lovely boy. Switzerland's lucky to have him." Her father said, shaking his head. "Oh look, the Meleches, we best say hello." He added, walking away with his wife and over to another couple.
"They hate me." I said as we walked past a table holding little cakes and tarts.
"They don't hate you, they just haven't gotten to know you yet." Riley informed me.
"Whatever." I said. "What's the deal with this Alfie guy anyway? It sounds like your parents want you to get together. Also, Switzerland?" I asked confused.
"I don't like Alfie in that way, trust me, he's a friend. And he's the prince, if you must know." Riley told me as we walked along the path by the lake. A prince, great. How can I compete with that?

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