Chapter 5

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Riley's POV

"Mom, dad, I have something to announce." Emily said. We were in the middle of dinner, which normally wasn't like this. Normally we all kept our thoughts to ourselves, and didn't speak, but emily seems to need to say something, like always.
"Go on sweetheart." Mom said, looking up from her food to see Emily.
"Last night, during the party, Hunter proposed." She said as if it were nothing.
"You're getting married!" Mom squealed with delight.
"Congratulations." Dad said, barely looking up. He almost never acknowledges anything we do. "When are you getting a boyfriend Riley?" He suddenly asked, surprisingly me slightly, before I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"Henry!" My mother hissed, obviously not happy about his blunt statement.
"What? It's about time she starts thinking about settling down. She is almost 20 now." He responded, as if I wasn't here. I glanced to Emily, to see her unfazed by any of this. She never really paid attention to me though, so why would she now? I let my head drop as I continued eating, blocking out my parents arguing.

James's POV

"Does everything taste alright?" Mom asked, concerned. She's made some new recipe involving beef, if you asked me what it was though I wouldn't be able to tell you, and she's worried about how it tastes. She decided to take unneeded cooking classes and has since been making new and interesting recipes. However, all of them taste amazing.
"It's great." I said, before piling more into my mouth.
"Are you sure? I feel as though you're lying." She said, unhappy with my answer.
"Mom it's amazing, just like every other meal you make. If you don't stop worrying, you won't be getting any seconds, because we'll have eaten it all already." Piper laughed. Mom smiled.
"Okay. I'm glad you like it." She said, starting to eat herself.
"How was the party last night James? You seem to have disappeared for most of it." My father commented.
"Oh! Does James have a girlfriend?" Piper teased, like all siblings do. However, she seemed a little too old to be doing that, considering she's 15, but I can't complain. I'd do the same to her and I'm almost 21.
"Actually, I did meet a girl, but we just talked. I highly doubt we'd ever date. I probably won't actually see her again." I lied. The truth was, we did more than talking, a lot more, I'm seriously hoping she'd consider going out with me because I think I really like her, and I will see her again because she goes to Hidalgos the same time as I do everyday.
"Well at least she made the party more bearable." My dad said, mocking how I had said yesterday that the party would only be bearable if I had met a friend.
"What about you Piper?" I suddenly asked, needing to move on from the topic of my love interests. "Do you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, I mean we won't judge." I taunted, making sure to add girlfriend onto the end because I knew it made her mad. She completely accepts people who are gay, but she gets mad when I mock how she's never had a boyfriend so she must be gay. I only do it to annoy her though, not to be disrespectful to anyone who is gay. And by the way she sighed angrily, and gave me a glare, I knew had been successful in annoying her.
"No I don't. But if you keep annoying me I'll ask someone out to make you mad." She answered sassily.
"Ok miss sassy." I responded as we continued to eat.

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