Chapter 14

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Riley's POV

"Miss Parks, we're happy to inform you that the result of the test was positive, you are 1 week pregnant." The female on the phone told me.
"Oh my god, thanks so much. Bye." I said, hanging up. I slipped my phone in my pocket, walking back into the studio where James and his friends were. They were taking a quick break, and James ran over to me.
"Was it them?" He asked hopefully. I nodded.
"I'm pregnant! 100%!" I whisper-shouted in excitement. James smiled, wrapping his arms around me.
"Alright, let's get back to dancing." A ginger called, I think her names Giselle. James let go of me, and ran onto the dance floor to his starting position. Through the dance, the wide smile never left his face. They ended, breathing heavily, and I heard clapping from behind me. I turned to see a blonde come out of the office, clapping her hands.
"That was great!" She exclaimed happily, looking around at the dancers. "You know what, I'll let you go early." She smiled, causing the dancers to cheer. They got their stuff, and slowly left.
"What do you wanna do?" James asked me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Why don't we go meet your family?" I asked him. "And we can tell them our news." I said happily
"Alright, if that's what you want. Let's go see if my parents have heart attacks today." James joked, walking with me out of the studio.

James's POV

We were sitting on the couch in my house. My mom placed a plate of cookies on the table, before joining my dad on the couch opposite me and Riley. "So James, when did you and Riley start dating?" She asked, a smile on her face.
"We met at dads work party about a week and a half ago, but we didn't start dating until maybe a week ago." I said, thinking over our many awkward encounters.
"So this is the friend you met there." Dad said, looking over at Riley. I heard footsteps, and saw Piper come downstairs.
"Mom! Can I go to- who's this?" She asked, cutting herself off.
"I'm Riley, James's girlfriend." Riley responded, smiling at Piper.
"Wow James, she has actual manners, are you sure she's your type?" Piper joked, looking at me. I rolled my eyes, but could hear Riley fail to stifle a laugh from beside me.
"Is there a reason you're here Piper?" I asked her.
"Yeah, mom and dad weren't happy enough with just you." She responded, obviously wanting to make Riley think I'm a fool.
"I meant, is there a reason why you're downstairs?" I asked her, getting annoyed with her smart comments.
"Yeah, but I'm going to stay and watch for a completely different reason now." She answered, sitting in a chair and crossing her legs.
"Riley, where in the company do your parents work?" Dad asked, interestedly.
"Uh, they actually own it." She responded, slightly hesitant. She always closed up when she mentioned her parents owning the company.
"Wow, smart people your parents." Dad said, surprised.
"You said you have some news." Mom said, moving onto a new topic.
"Uh, yeah. We do." I said, scratching the back of my neck.
"This is interesting. James only scratches his neck when he's nervous." Piper said, causing me to pull my arm to my side.
"I guess I'll just say it." I said. It's like ripping off a bandaid.

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