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Okay, this is Lulah here. So... I just want to let you know about some things.

* I will be up dating every week.

* The songs that I put up for the chapters don't mean it's a song-fic, it means that it's a good song to listen to while reading this chapter.

* If the song has the title and artist then a double slash, it's a cover by Glee. (Example; Anything Can Happen  By: Ellie Goulding //)

* Tell your friends about it. We're just two girls who love to write and we hope you like our story.

* If a song has the title and artist then a double hashtag, then it's a cover that someone has done on the Voice. Most likely by the people in the current season, but I'll tell in the top author's not. (Example; Cough Syrup  By: Young the Giant##)

* Feel free to pitch ideas to us. We're really open to it. Anything will help.

* Um, some of the characters might be OOC, but that's how I imagine them. My OCs are mostly based off real people. And some of the people mentioned by Sam and Eli are actual people. No offense to any one we know reading this. Love you all!

* Some chapters may be dedicated to people who we know who are having a hard time.

* Everyone please read this... It's important;

Dear you,

You are beautiful and smart. Don't ever let anyone tell you other wise. You WILL make a difference in this world. You inspire people. Love yourself. It helps other people love you. Plus, be yourself. Everyone else is taken. Trust me, if someone who tells otherwise is most likely lying. I'm sure you are a wonderful person. Everyone has demons. And one day, you will be able to tell someone those demons. When you do, it'll feel great. Live long and prosper. Don't be afraid to do the impossible. Impossible writes out IM POSSIBLE. Stay true to yourself. And please, please, please remember that  you are very special.


Lulah <3

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