part six

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Harry was tired. He was tired of having to carry the fate of the wizard one world on his back. He just wanted Atticus. He wanted to feel her warmth, see her smile. He wanted to hear her laugh, to feel her soft breath as she fell asleep on his chest.

He just wanted her.

When Ron left, it triggered something in Harry. It sparked a sort of fire within his person. He was motivated more than ever. He wanted to be done with this goose chase. He wanted his life back, his friends back. But, even more, he wanted a world for Atticus and himself to have a future in.

To The Girl I Need,

Atticus, you are everything to me. I really wish you were here with me. I miss you so damn much. I miss your smile and laugh. I miss the way your eyes crinkle when you grin. I miss the way leave me breathless each and every time I see you.

I know what I have to do for us. I want us to be happy. Together. I want a future with you. I want a family, a home, with you. You are all I want, you are all I need. I have to go now, Hermione is calling me.

I love you, Atticus Darcy Wilde.
Always and Forever.


lmao okay so basically what went on in this chapter is Ron left and Harry came to realize Atticus is really all he wants. idk if it's confusing.

until next time

To The Girl Who Dreamed | H. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now