2| bonus chapter

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this takes place in the original universe with the original ending. Enjoy and thank you for 60K on TTBWL!

also be sure to read the a/n at the end!

Death wasn't easy. Everyone who had ever lost someone or something could tell you that. The grieving process was a bitch and Harry Potter could tell you that. When Atticus Wilde died, it was as if the sun would never shine again. There was a gaping hole in the universe and nothing could ever fill it. Atticus Wilde was irreplaceable, untouchable.

As days went on, Harry's heart grew heavy with grief. He wasn't miserable, but every little thing reminded Harry of Atticus. Somedays the blowing of the wind would mimic the sound of Atticus's voice. Other days Harry swore that he could catch glimpses of Atticus across the street or in a reflection. Even in death, Atticus had a tight grip on Harry Potter. He knew it wasn't plausible that she was there. He knew deep down, it was just the grief that blinded him from the real world. Harry knew Atticus was dead, and she was never coming back.

But, Harry was wrong. Atticus was there. Every time Harry thought he could hear her voice call his name, or thought he saw her in a windows reflection, she really was there. She would always be there. Like now, Atticus walked slowly behind Harry, her eyes watching as his shoulders slumped down and his hands ran through his already messy hair. She sighed sadly, her once beating heart longing for Harry. With every step he took, she followed. She followed him throughout the small village he was in, the harsh breeze whipping around her.

It looked as if they were in Godric's Hollow. Atticus remembered it to be the birthplace of Godric Gryffindor, from some book Hermione had forced Atticus to read. Atticus tilted her head in confusion, as they approached a cemetery. A deep frown was embedded on Harry's face as he slowed down. Atticus began to match Harry's pace. She hummed softly, alongside Harry, who stuffed his hands into his jacket, his eyes refusing to look up from the ground.

When they arrived to their destination, Atticus frowned. She stopped at the entrance of the cemetery, her hazel eyes scanning her surroundings. Atticus walked slowly to Harry. She stopped next to his sagging figure and reached out to grab his hand, but stopped midway remembering that she was unable to touch him.

"I wasn't going to come here today." Harry had said, his voice raw with emotion. Atticus could hear the sadness that rang out into the winter night.

"I just didn't think that i could do it. Not today at least. You always told me you hated birthdays, but i never understood why." Harry paused, looking down at the headstone in front of them. He let out a soft chuckle and bent down to conjure a wreath on her headstone. Atticus looked down and gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes welled with tears. The tombstone read, "Here lies Atticus D. Wilde, beloved wife and friend."

"Atticus, you filled me with hope." Harry paused once more and ran a hand down his face. "You made me feel invincible, because with you i was. I could have ruled the world with you by my side. You were the thing that brought me out of the dark and pushed me into a whole new world. A world that i only would have dreamed of. With you, i wasn't the boy who lived, or the chosen one. I was just Harry and that's all i wanted to be. Just Harry." He took a deep breath and admired the wreath and flowers that decorated Atticus's tombstone. Clearing his throat, Harry wiped away the tears that slipped from his eyes.

"I wrote you something, Atticus. I know you hate gifts, but maybe you can make an exception, just this once." Harry reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. Harry cleared his throat and pushed his glasses farther up his nose.

"To My Love,

It's been about a year since you left. And everyday since you died, i have thought about you. I've thought about your blinding smile and your laugh that could outshine the best of symphonies. God, i do i miss you. I never knew what real pain was, not until you were gone. Everything around me reminds me of you. Sometimes, i can hear you when the wind blows. I can hear your voice and damn do i miss your voice.

I've tried to move on, to let go. But, i can't just let go. What we had, it was magical. Nothing could ever fill the hole that you left in me, Atticus. But, some days i wonder what it would be like if i had never met you. If i had never answered that letter. I think life would be easier. I think that i would never have to feel the pain i feel now. But, i would never know what it was like to love and be loved in return. You filled me with light, Atticus. You gave me a reason to fight for a future, even if you weren't here to live it with me. You gave a life, Atticus.

And maybe that's why i will always love you. Even if i do met someone, even if i do marry. You will always be the reason my heart beats. So, thank you, Atticus. Thank you for giving me a reason to live. Thank you for giving me the chance to love you, Atticus.


Harry Potter, the man who will always love you"

    Harry finished with a cracking voice. Tears rushed down his stubbly cheeks and landed on the paper that he shakily held. Atticus watched him fold the paper and put it back into his pocket. She watched Harry place a kiss on his hand and then placed his hand onto her name. Atticus felt a rush of warmth flow through her deathly pale body. She looked down to her hands which seemed to let of a golden glow. Confusion ran through her body as the harsh wind began to pick up. It whipped her hair around and stung her cheeks. Harry sniffed as he pulled the collar of his coat up to block himself of the chilled air. He said a faint goodbye to Atticus's headstone and began to walk away. Atticus followed him, her body seeming to grow brighter with each step she took. The glow that Atticus had began to intensify, covering the lower portion of her body. It moved up, stopping Atticus from following Harry. The light didn't scare her. No, it was warm, almost relaxing.

Harry continued on his path, his eyes gazing down to the ground. Atticus watched his retreating figure with sadness. She looked back down to her hands. It was almost as if the color was returning to her once pale body.The light that was encasing her body moved up, covering her arms and soon her chest. Atticus welcomed the light now, a faint knowing in her mind. Maybe this was it, maybe it was her time to go. She knew that this would be the last time her spirit roamed the earth. Her business there was finished, Harry had the closure he needed and so did she.  The light continued to grow, but before it could fully encase her, Atticus utter her final words.

"I love you, Harry."

These words echoed throughout the silent village and filled Harry with a warmth that only Atticus had. It was these words that let Harry know Atticus was there. That she would always be there. Harry knew that he would be okay, he knew that life would go on and though Atticus wasn't physically there, he knew she would be there spiritually. That night, Harry walked home with a smile on his face, because he knew even in death, Atticus Wilde loved Harry Potter.


basically atticus "went in to the light" bc she got closure. Harry will be a-okay. i hope this chapter came out good bc it will be the last bonus chapter i will be doing for a while! Thank you guys so much for 60K on TTBWL, like its so fucking insane that the story is doing so well. I love reading yalls comments so much, you guys have no idea how much it means to me that yall enjoy this series.

im so grateful for the response this book has gained like wowowoow

also, if you guys havent done so already be sure to check out my two on going fics, Sage (a hermione fic) and Mariana (a "the get down" fic). Im also planning a few other books, one may or may not be a regulus black fic so be sure to follow for more updates.

i love you guys with all my heart, pls feel free to pm me if you guys ever just want to talk about harry potter or if yall need advice. I promise guys, under all of this cynical humor im a pretty nice gal.

until next time


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