Last Checkup?

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"Theroux?" The nurse calls.  Justin and I get up to follow her back.

He tells us that the doctor will be back soon and that if we need anything to get him.  I sit on the exam table, uncomfortable and already not in the best mood.  All that I really want is for the baby to be out soon.  Justin sits in the chair next to me rubbing my arm.  He really tries to support me and understand why I'm not the same person I used to be lately, but it's hard for him.  

The doctor walks in a few minutes later, cheerful as usual which brightens up my mood a little. 

"How are you today?" She pulls out my chart to start reading everything "Excited to meet her soon?"

"Very." I look over at Justin who agrees right away. 

"Can you stand up for a minute, please?" She asks and motions for me to walk to the scale "I just need to weigh and measure you."

I get to the scale, and watch in horror as she moves the weights around to find what my current weight is.  It seems like it's so high and I have to keep reminding myself that a good amount of it is the baby and fluid.  While I'm standing here, she also measures around my belly to see how much that has grown.

"It looks like everything is going great." She finally tells us after marking it all down "The baby seems to be growing at a good weight.  Do you guys have any questions?"

"Do you have any idea of when she'll be here?" Justin asks "Like I know you gave her the due date but do you think it'll be that day?"

"That's really hard to tell." She thinks of how to explain it "The due date is normally accurate, but we also say about a week before or after is good too.  If she were to go more than a week after, which I don't think she will, we'd most likely induce her.  Based on everything else though, I think you'll be holding your baby within the next week."

"Is there any way to know how big she'll be?" I ask fearing the answer.  Justin laughs at me knowing that I've been worried about this since the day I told him I was pregnant.

"Well, that's also kinda hard to tell.  I can't give a definite answer, but based on the growth and your weight gain, I'd say around 7 pounds.  Most likely not anymore than that."

"Okay." I reply, not knowing if I should be happy or not about this. 

"Anything else?" She asks as she gets up.  We tell her no, so she walks to the door.

"I'd like you to make an appointment for a week from now.  Hopefully you won't need it, but you can always cancel."

We follow her out and make the appointment.  Justin suggests that since I'm tired instead of going to eat like we had planned, we go home to work on the baby's room.

"Why does she have so much?" I complain going through all her clothing "Everyone went crazy buying her this just because they don't need to wash it."

"Yes, babe.  I'm sure that's why they bought her clothing." Justin rolls his eyes "Just be lucky you aren't the one setting up this furniture.  I've never seen so many little pieces."

"But it's cute!" I feel the need to defend the furniture for some reason "The cuteness makes it worth it."

"Sure." He says before mumbling something that I can't hear.  I move on to hanging up the clothes that don't need folded.

"Owch." I rub my belly where she just kicked me super hard.  Justin immediately looks up from where he's working to see what happened.

"What's wrong?  Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I laugh at his reaction "She just kicked me really hard as I stood up.  She's getting stronger."

"I think she just wants out."  He walks up to feel her kicking "She wants to know what it's like outside."

"Well she can come out anytime now." I go back to sitting so that I'm more comfortable "I love being pregnant but at the same time I also just wanna be done with it.  I wanna get to see her."

"It won't be too much longer." He reassures me "Maybe the premier will help.  You'll be standing and walking."

"I was kinda hoping she'd be here before that."

"The premier is in 2 days." Justin reminds me "I don't think she has plans to come out before then.  Are you really that uncomfortable?"

"Well I'm not comfortable." I try to get myself to be in a better mood by thinking of better things "I think I just really wanna meet her and get to show her off.  I'm excited, but definitely a little uncomfortable."

He goes back to working on the furniture and I decide to take a nap.  Between filming the last episode for the season and setting everything up here I've been exhausted.  It doesn't help that I have a sore back and super swollen ankles from my huge belly, or that I haven't been able to sleep well recently.  Other than all that, pregnancy really hasn't been that bad.  It's not like I had health problems or found out there was something wrong with the baby.  I had morning sickness that was almost always worse while on set, but that I could deal with.

After trying to sleep for a little for my "nap", which was mostly me rolling around to get comfortable, I go to see how the room looks.  Justin has it almost completely set up and has even started hanging up the letters with her name over the crib.  He sees that I'm standing at the door and motions for me to walk towards the closet.

I want over to see that he finished hanging up the clothes after I gave up.

"Aw, thanks babe!" I look at everything and notice that most of it is not hanging the right way "You did great."

"You're welcome.  Anything for you."

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