She's Getting Jealous

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"Honey I have to put you down. Just for a minute." Justin fights with Kay to make her breakfast. Recently, I think because she knows the baby will be here very soon, she has been very clingy and attached to us. She won't sleep in her bed unless we lay with her until she falls asleep and then sneak out, she doesn't want us to put her down at all, and she has been nonstop crying and complaining.  I think she just wants to spend as much time as she can with us.

"No, daddy!" She yells starting to cry again. She holds onto him as tightly as possible, leaving marks on his back from her little nails.

"If you want to eat I have to put you down." He struggles and finally manages to get her to let go of him.

"Kayleigh come here." I sit at the table waiting for her. It takes a while, but she walks over sulking. She climbs up onto my lap burying her head on my chest and continues to cry. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back trying to calm her down.

"Why are you so cranky?" I ask her rhetorically.  She gets even more upset at me and yells something I don't understand.  Justin walks over sitting next to us.

"Do you want an ice pop?" Justin asks her forgetting about the breakfast.  She surprises us by denying this as well.

"What do you want, baby?" I turn her so we're facing each other "We can do something fun today."

"No baby?" She asks. This is basically the only thing she has been saying recently.  I don't really know why, but for some reason she really doesn't want him and we don't know how to change that.

"Honey, there's going to be a baby." I try to think of how I can explain all of this to her in a way that she can understand "You're going to be a big sister any day now.  You get to show him all kinds of cool things and he's going to love you just like me and daddy do.  We're going to love both of you the same."

"No." She complains. It doesn't help that he is kicking her in the side right now because she's leaning on my belly.  She doesn't normally like it when he kicks and she can feel it, and doesn't understand that I can't just make him stop.

"Come here, princess." Justin reaches out his arms and takes Kay "Are you worried that me and mommy are going to play with him more?" She slightly nods her head, probably not fully understanding him.

"We're going to have to help him with some things," Justin admits "but we're still going to have lots of time to play with you too.  You're always going to be our little princess."

"Really?" She asks quietly. She looks from Justin to me to see what we say.

"Really." I promise her "You're going to make the best big sister ever. Me and daddy are so proud of you and everything that you do. You help us so much so now you get to help the baby too."

"I help!" She finally smiles for the first time in a while.

"Yes, baby, you're going to help." Justin laughs at her "Are you excited now?"

"Yeah!" She moves over closer to me and puts her hands on my belly like she's seen Justin do before "He kick."

"He's doing that because he's excited to see you." Justin tells her "He knows you're his big sister."


"He knows your voice." I tell her "He does the same when daddy talks to him."

"You used to kick me in the head." Justin says making her interested "I would lay with mommy and talk and then you would start to kick me."

She laughs at it and starts to poke me where she sees the kicks.  The baby starts to kick even harder and tries to follow her hands. She starts to talk too, but of course Justin and I don't understand her.

"I think he likes you." I watch as she tries to keep up with him moving now.  It feels so weird to have him kicking inside me while she's sitting on my lap poking me.

I feel a strange twitch in my stomach and immediately look over at Justin.

"It's probably nothing." I say after seeing that he looks worried.

"Are you sure?" Justin stares for a while, obviously concerned. Kayleigh looks up at me confused as well.

"I'll be fine." I say as I feel another pain.  This time it's a little worse, but it doesn't really feel like a contraction yet.

Kayleigh jumps off my lap randomly. Justin and I look at each other trying to figure out what she's doing. We both stand up when I feel a pop.  I look down to see the water flooding out and around me.

"I knew something was wrong." Justin says looking back at me "You okay?"

"Yeah." I answer trying to hide the pain that I am now in. Those definitely were contractions, and they're a lot worse now.

"I'm taking her to your dad." Justin walks around to find where Kay went. He walks back in a few seconds later holding her, and I'm already in the middle of another contraction.

"Holy shit. How close are they?"

"Like 2 minutes." I answer him when it ends "Maybe we should drop her off on the way to the hospital."

"Yeah, I'm not leaving you here alone." He sets down Kay, who is very confused, next to me and runs upstairs for my bag and clean clothes I can change into.

"Baby here?" She asks. I nod my head ignoring the pain.  We play a little game while we're waiting for Justin.

"I called your doctor. She'll meet us there." He hands me my clothes.  I quickly change while he's putting Kay in the car and walk out.

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