Alone Time

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"Thank you so much for watching them!" I hug Phyllis as I walk out the door. The kids are asleep and I'm flying out to New York for the weekend since Justin is filming there. It's the last I'll be able to fly before I have the baby and he's going to be filming for another 2 weeks. He doesn't know that I'm coming to visit him, so it should be a surprise.

I get in the car waiting for me, and try to control my excitement the whole way to the airport. We've been talking to each other every day, mainly for the kids, but it's not the same as getting to see my best friend in person. He's been working super hard lately too, and I think that this will be a nice and much needed break for him.

It's Friday night, which means we will have a whole two days together. It doesn't seem like much, but we really need this. We need alone time just as much as any other couple does. Ours just has to be very planned out.

"Flight 120 to New York City is boarding."

I take a deep breath and walk onto the waiting flight. I still get nervous when I fly, and of course sick now, but it's all worth it to see him.

Justin's POV:

Ever since I've been in New York filming I've missed Jen and the kids like crazy. I get to talk to them every day, but it's not the same. I feel like I'm missing out on so many things.

"Hey, how's everything going?" I text Jen once I get a break from filming.

"Good." She sends a picture of her and the kids "We all miss you."

"I miss all of you too. I'll be home as soon as I can."

I put the phone down and walk out of my trailer to finish filming. Right away someone catches my eye.

Someone I don't want to see.

"Hey, Justin!" She walks right up to me "You're here alone?"

"Yeah." I sigh, being reminded that I'm away from my wife and kids "We figured it would be easier on Jen and the kids to stay in LA."

"Oh." She looks at the ground, obviously upset "So you two are still together. No chance in changing that?"

"Uh, no." I can't believe she stills thinks she can come between Jen and I "We aren't planning on splitting up anytime soon."

"Well," She runs her fingers down my body "I'm always up for a good challenge."

Just when I thought this couldn't get any weirder or more uncomfortable, she kisses me.

"Goodbye, Justin."

What the fuck?

Jen's POV:

What the hell is she doing on this set? She's not even a freaking actress. More importantly, why is my husband talking to her?

I start to walk over towards them, but the closer I get, the more upset and angry I become. It's not worth it. I think to myself. She's not worth getting this mad over. There has to be a reason for this. Justin wouldn't cheat on me. Especially not with her. If he was going to cheat with her he would have done it in high school.

They don't seem to notice me because they're too busy talking and flirting. At least that's what it looks like to me. She runs her hand down the side of his body, making me extremely uncomfortable and even a little jealous. My breaking point is when I see them kiss. Not just a friendly peck, but a full on kiss lasting a few seconds. I should have gone up and talked to him, but instead I'm sitting in his trailer. I'm trying to think of the reason he'd do this to me.

Is it because I'm pregnant? Because of all my mood swings and body insecurities these past few months? Because I'm not any fun since we can't go out every weekend anymore? Because I've been too tired and uncomfortable to even think of sex in the past few weeks?

Would he really cheat on me because of any of those things? Is he even cheating?

What bothers me the most, other than the kissing, is that while I was standing a few feet away from him, he was too focused on another woman to even notice me.

A few long minutes later, Justin walks in the trailer. He looks at me in shock before practically running up to me.

"What the hell is she doing here, Justin?" I ask before he can say or do anything "Why are you talking to her?"

"Who, Jen?" He tries his best to act surprised and fool me "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly who I'm talking about!" I push him away while grabbing my purse. Talking to her and kissing her is one thing, but trying to lie about it makes it even worse.

"Jen, it's just Amanda." He tries to stop me from leaving "You know I don't mean anything by talking to her! She's the one that walked up to me!"

"Then why did you kiss her?!? What's the explanation for that?"

"That was her!" He fights back like I wasn't there to witness the whole thing "She kissed me! I tried to back away but she stopped me!"

"Was she part of your plan? The reason you didn't want us to come here with you?" I ask through the tears that are now streaming down my face "Is she my replacement because I'm no good anymore? Is that what this whole thing is, Justin? Because if it is you can have her!"

"Of course that isn't the reason! I didn't even know she was in New York until today!" He walks up to me wiping the tears away, trying to make me feel better.

"Do you really feel like that? Like I would go through all this to replace someone like you? Do you have any idea how much you and the kids mean to me?"

"I can't do this, Justin." I open the trailer door knowing that something isn't right "I'm going to my moms until I fly back to LA. We'll talk once you get home."

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