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"Jen!" Justin walks into the bathroom where I'm trying to shower.

"She needs washed off." He hands me Kay, who is currently covered in what looks like vomit, "I heard her crying so I figured she woke up, and I saw this."

"Aw, come here, baby." I reach out to take her from him "Does your belly hurt?" She nods her head cuddling up to me.

"Yeah, momma." She slides out of my arms so that I can get her cleaned off "I you."

"You are?" I ask laughing at how she is comparing my morning sickness to what is probably a stomach bug. She nods her head defensively and I continue to wash her off.

I notice her body hieving again and quickly hold her still. She vomits all over the bottom of the shower, as well as all over my legs and feet.  I stand there comforting her while trying my hardest not to do the same. As soon as she's done, she starts sobbing uncontrollably because her "bewy huts".

"Hey, Justin!" I yell out of the shower waiting for him to walk closer "We gotta switch. I feel like I'm gonna puke too and that's not gonna help."

He takes over spraying Kay off with the shower hose.  She continues to cry, obviously upset and in pain, while I end up with morning sickness again.  I try to pull myself together so that I can help her.

"She's really hot, Jen."  Justin pulls Kay out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her "I think there's something wrong." 

I place a bucket in front of her for obvious reasons, and sit down on the floor to hold and comfort her.

"Can you get the medicine?"  I ask Justin "It should be in the cabinet over there."

He gets it for me, and after some fighting, I get Kay to take it.  She eventually, after vomiting even more, falls asleep, so we put her in our bed and stay upstairs to watch her.  I lay down with her for a while, taking the opportunity to get a much needed nap while she is sleeping for once.

I wake up started by the sound of her coughing and instantly know what is about to happen.  Justin jumps off the chair and holds the garbage can under her while I make sure she's leaning over it.

"She's really sick."  Justin looks hopeless because he can't do anything to help her.  She's really weak, too.

"Well, she already has that doctor appointment later.  We can tell them about it then."  I suddenly remember her appointment that I completely forgot about "We actually need to leave for that soon, it's in like 30 minutes."

"How do you keep forgetting about these things?"  He glares over at me "You have forgotten about 3 doctor appointments in the past month."

"I don't know.  Pregnancy brain maybe." 

We get ready, making sure that Kay will be okay in the car, and leave.  I sit in the back with her so that I can help her if she gets sick again, which she of course does, and luckily it doesn't take too long to get there.

"Kayleigh." The nurse calls out.  I pick up Kay from where she's laying on the floor pissed about being at the doctors, and we follow her to a room.

The nurse takes all her vital signs and gives us a bucket for Kay incase we need it.  We're told the doctor will be with us shortly, and have to entertain Kay long enough that she doesn't notice the toys at the side of the room.

"Do you wanna play with mousey?"  Justin hands her a stuffed mouse that she loves.  She grabs it from him and tries to reach the other animals.  He hands them to her and we each play as one.  I get the kitten, and he gets the dog.

"Hi, Kayleigh!" The doctor walks in.  Kay looks up at him and starts to cry right away.  Justin holds her on the table so that she'll calm down.

"So I heard she hasn't been feeling well.  What's going on?"

"She woke up this morning with vomit all over her, and ever since then has been sick."  I answer him "She was supposed to be here anyway, so I thought maybe this should be checked out too."

He nods his head listening to me, and looks over her chart. 

"She has a fever right now, so she won't be getting the shots she was originally going to get.  Do you know when the fever started?"

"As soon as she woke up."  Justin says "I picked her up and she was really hot and sweaty.  She never cries this much either.  She's normally really calm."

The doctor does a quick examination of Kay, feeling around on her stomach, and after asking us a few more questions, decides that it's just the stomach bug like I thought.

"It seems like what she has is just a stomach bug.  She'll be uncomfortable for a few more hours, but it should be gone in a day or two."  He hands me a paper with some writing on it "That's the name of some different juices that she might like so that she stays hydrated.  Right now, all you can do is keep her comfortable and make sure that she's drinking at least an ounce of a clear fluid every hour."

"Thank you!"  I read over the paper from him.  He leaves the room shortly after letting Kay pick out some stickers, and we get ready to leave.  We have the drinks he told us about, so we go right home and give her some.

"Do you wanna go watch a movie?"  Justin carries her into the living room "We can watch anything."

She walks over and picks out the first DVD that she sees and hands it to him.  He puts it on and we all cuddle up on the couch to watch. 

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