Set Visits

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Justin's POV:

"Hurry up and pick out your toys, Kay."  I stand at the back door holding Ben's hand as he stands next to me.  He babbles something every time  after I talk.

"I ready!"  She runs up to us carrying half the toys she owns in her hands.  I open the door for her and help both of them in the car.  We decided that we're going to visit Jen on set today.  Kayleigh is beyond excited to see everyone, and Ben is happy just because she is.  

I drive up to the studio and Kayleigh starts to freak out.  She gets super excited and Ben laughs at her.

"Let's go see mommy." I get Kay out of her seat and hold Ben's hand so he can try to walk with us.  He gives up after about a minute and I carry him the rest of the way.  Kay runs right through the door and onto the set knowing the way by heart.

"Hi, baby!"  Jen walks up to Kay the second she sees her and picks her up "What are you doing here?"

"Daddy bring me." She answers before jumping out of her arms and running over to the cast.  I walk over to where she's standing carrying Ben and Kay's toys that she dropped on the way in here.

"We wanted to surprise you."  I lean over Ben to kiss her "They miss you."

"And you don't?" She raises her eyebrow looking at me confused.  I hand her Ben to make up for it.

"I actually kinda liked doing everything with them alone for a few hours."  I joke.  She laughs and walks towards the cast where Kay is showing off her toys.  I follow her amused at how interested everyone seems in a 2 year olds toys when they can't even understand half of what she says.

"Hey, Justin."  David waves "It's been a while since you've visited."

"I've been filming too."  I suddenly feel like I need of defend myself "And watching the kids."  Jen glares over at me, knowing that I do not need to get defensive. 

"He's busy being the best dad ever."  She adds helping me "Right, Kayleigh?"

"Yeah!" She answers quickly.  We all laugh at how enthusiastic she always is. 

"How's Ice cream?" Lisa asks her.

"She tiny!" Kay uses her hands to show how little the cat is "I pway wif her."

"Do she like you?" Matt asks, trying to understand toddler language.

"Yeah." Kay replies before getting kinda quiet.  She knows that she needs to leave the damn cat alone, but refuses to.

"She mad at me."  She adds "I puw her tail."  Jen doesn't know about this and looks right over at me for an explanation.

"I was making his bottle, and she must've done it then.  It went from quiet to the cat hissing and her crying."

"Aw, did Ice cream scratch you?"  Courteney asks. Kay nods her head yes and Courteney pulls Kay on her lap "She's just doing that because she was scared."

"What about Ben?"  Matthew asks Jen and I "Does he like Ice cream?"

"He doesn't seem to phased by her."  Jen answers switching Ben's position to see that he fell asleep "He spends most of the day eating and sleeping.  I think they've only been in the same room a few times."

"I don't think he's even noticed her."  I add "She kinda hides from them, and all he cares about is toys and food."

We sit and talk with the cast for a while before Jen and I decide to take Ben to her dressing room so he can nap in quiet.  Kay decides she's staying with everyone else and convinces them to take her out for real ice cream.

"Do you think she'll leave the cat alone now that she scratched her?" Jen asks once she knows Kay can't hear anymore "This is the third time already that she's done dumb stuff to her."

"She's two, she thinks it's funny."  I lay Ben down on the couch "I told her she can't be doing things like that and she said she won't, but I don't know."

"Well at least we don't have to worry about him."  She looks down watching him sleep "He's getting so big already.  I can't believe he'll be one soon."

"I know.  I don't like him growing up.  I wanna keep him little and calm forever.  It's so much easier than chasing her around."

There's a knock on Jen's door that turns out to be someone letting her know she needs to go for hair and makeup.  I follow her out carrying Ben with me incase he wakes up and find Kay sitting with Matt eating her ice cream.  She looks up at me with the biggest smile on her ice cream covered face.

"She takes a little bit of everyone's."  Matt tells me laughing as he gets up "The cotton candy seems to be her favorite."

"Great, so I get her when she's all hyped up on sugar."  I laugh as well hoping she isn't too bad.

"Can I have some?"  I ask.  She hands me her spoon with the littlest amount possible on it and let's me eat that.

Ben starts to wake up a few minutes later and let's us know right away that he is NOT happy.  I walk around with him bouncing him around and change him, but he's still hungry, so I go to the last resort.

"You're gonna have to feed him."  I find Jen who is about to start filming "He's hungry and I must've forgot to bring a bottle."

"Well go look in the fridge in my dressing room."  She takes Ben and situates him so he can eat "I only have 5 minutes but I might have a bottle in there."

I practically run to her dressing room to look.  Moving everything she has in it to the side, I find a bottle, but it doesn't have much milk in it.  It's better than nothing though so I take it out. 

"This is all you have."  I show it to her "He'll just have to eat some of those snacks I guess."

She continues to feed Ben until it gets to a scene that she's in.  I take him from her and start to feed him what's left of the bottle.

Kay stands next to me completely infatuated with watching her mom "make tv" and I have to keep stopping her from running out onto the set.

"Mommy rewy good."  She says.

"Yeah, she really is."  I agree with her.

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