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Justin walks in the house, running up to our room where I am with the kids. I sigh quickly of relief knowing he's home now. I called him to come home a few minutes ago after my water broke.

"It took you long enough." I complain breathing through a contraction "I called you like 20 freaking minutes ago! The kid could have came out already."

He ignores me and walks over to the kids, picking them up "Courteney just got here. She'll stay with them." He starts to walk towards the door "I'll be back to help you in a minute."

I cringe in pain, leaning over the bed and gripping onto it as I go through another extremely painful contraction. Justin walks in the room as it starts and tries to help by rubbing my back.

"You wanna go now?" He asks. I nod my head yes and grab his hand. We walk out to the car, and after what feels like forever finally make it to the hospital.

They give me a room right away after I tell them how close together and painful the contractions are. I get changed and lay in the bed in a huge amount of pain and super uncomfortable.

I squeeze Justin's hand as I go through another contraction. He tries to help as much as he can, but nothing is really working right now.

"Why does this have to hurt so much?" I look over at Justin once it's finally over "Why can't the baby just like fall out without any pain?" He laughs at me but quickly changes to comforting me knowing that laughing is the last thing for him to do right now.

The nurse walks in to check me a few minutes later, and looks right up at us when she's done, "Well it looks like you guys made it just in time. You're ready to start pushing."

"What?" I look up to make sure she's serious "I need the epidural. I'm not going to push another huge baby out of me without one."

"Jen," Justin tries to calm me down.

"I'm sorry, Jennifer, but you're just going to have to do this naturally. You're too far along to get one now." She smiles at me sympathetically and walks out.

"You're going to be fine." Justin reassures me "It'll all be over in a few minutes."

"I'm going to be fine?" I breathe through a contraction before I can finish talking "Do you have any idea what I'm about to do? This is all your fucking fault. We're never having sex again." He shuts up and we wait for the doctor.

After the most painful 5 minutes of my life, the doctor finally walks in.

"I know this hurts, and I want you to feel better, but you're going to break my hand soon." Justin comments on how hard I'm squeezing his hand.

I stop pushing and look over at him "Shut up!" I fall back onto the bed to relax. "I'm going to kill you if you ever want anymore kids."

"Just a few more pushes and you're done." my doctor looks up from where she's sitting "The head is crowning."

"Holy shit." I feel another contraction. I grab Justin's hand pushing as hard as I can. He kisses my forehead trying to comfort me.

"You'll be done soon, babe, just a few more pushes." Justin tries to encourage me. I sit up and push again but give up as soon as I feel movement. I realize really quickly how big the baby really is.

"I can't do this." I fall back onto the bed exhausted "I give up."

"You're too far to do that," Justin squeezes my hand for emphases "If you still want to kill me when you're done then you can, but you have to do this first. You're almost done.

"2 more pushes." My doctor says.

I take a deep breath and push for as long as I can.  I feel the doctor pulling on the head and stop.  I take a quick break to regain my strength. The doctor tells me to start pushing again, so I do. Justin holds my hand practically jumping from the excitement of finally being able to see the baby.

"You're almost done." He leans over to watch the doctor.

I continue to push between the excruciating pain and burning until I feel the doctor pull the baby out completely.

"It's a girl!" The doctor holds her up as her cries fill the room.  She places her on my chest and Justin and I cry as we finally get to see her.

"Wow," Justin looks down at the baby amazed "She's so beautiful. And big."

"Congratulations!" The doctor finishes everything and looks up at us "Do you have a name picked out?"

"Yeah," I glance up at her "Alexia Lily Theroux."

"That's a beautiful name." She starts to walk out "I'll fill out everything, and we'll have nurses back to check up on you later."

I try to rest for a while before Courteney brings the kids to see Alexia. Justin holds her the whole time, admiring everything about her. I wake up to the sound of her crying and see that a nurse how has her and is giving her a check up.

"She's a very healthy baby." The nurse hands her over to me happily "Congratulations!"

I finally get to hold her for longer than just a few short minutes. She's such a great mix of Justin and I. I can't get over how perfect she is. The kids are going to love her so much.

"Hey, guys." I smile as the kids walk in "You wanna see your baby sister?"

Justin helps Kay get on the bed and holds Ben next to me so they can both see. Kay freaks out in excitement over her new sister and begs to hold her. I have her sit next to me and help her hold Alexia while she leans down talking and saying random things to her.

"We love her, momma."

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