Annoying Work

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"Justin do you really have to do this now?" I follow him out into the yard "These trees have been here since we bought the house. Why couldn't you trim them before when I could help? Or at least ask someone to come help. You have friends."

"Because it's nice out today and I want to do it now. Most people are at work and can't help." He ignores me trying to stop him and turns on the chain saw. I stand a few feet away from him watching. Huge piles of leaves and branches fall to the ground. He won't let me even move the small branches to the tarp that he has set up to collect everything. He says that it's too much work for me to be doing and he doesn't want me or the baby to get hurt. The past 5 months since I told him I'm pregnant have really changed him, and he's been very over protective.

"Can I do anything to help? I hate just sitting here watching." I watch as he fights with the saw "You shouldn't be doing this all yourself."

"Yeah, you can get me a drink if you want." He climbs off his ladder "I'm gonna start moving some of these."

I get each of us some lemonade and walk out to see a sweaty, gross looking Justin walking back and forth moving the branches. He notices me and walks right over for the drink. I hand it to him along with a towel.

"Thanks, babe." He kisses me and sits down "I didn't think it would be this much work. I guess I should have listened to you before." I laugh at him knowing that I've been telling him this wouldn't be easy.

"Maybe I was right last night. It would be a lot easier if you would just let me help."

"I don't want you to get hurt." He gets back up wiping off his forehead "What if a branch hits you in the stomach or something? It's just not safe."

"I'm pregnant, Justin, not dying." I follow him over to where he's working "At least let me get the small branches."

"Fine. But it's hot out so you aren't helping too long." He goes back to working. I pick up a few small branches and move them to the pile to get started. This is actually really boring. I kinda wish I would have just let Justin do all of it. I could just say I'm too tired now and go take a nap. He would let me.

"Shit." I look at my hand noticing that I cut it open with a branch by accident. I tell Justin I have to go to the bathroom so he doesn't see and go inside to clean it out. I get the water running when I hear him getting closer.

"Jen?" He walks in the house a few minutes later "I saw blood on the patio. What happened? Are you okay?"

I grab a paper towel to hold over my hand and turn towards him "I just cut my hand on a branch. I'm fine. I already cleaned it out. I just need a band aid."

"I told you it wasn't a good idea for you to help." He grabs me a band aid "I know you want to, but I'd rather not have you get hurt. That could have been worse."

"I know, babe." I let him put the band aid on me "I like helping you though. It feels weird just sitting here watching. You wouldn't have been worried about it before."

He hands me a pair of gloves that I should have been wearing in the first place, and we walk back out. I walk right over to finish carrying the branches while he continues to cut the trees. He cuts them as low as he can while still making sure we have privacy. We want to make them short so we don't have to do this next year with a baby to take care of at the same time.

I lean over to pick up some more branches and the baby decides that it's the perfect time to kick me right in the bladder. Right away I feel the urge to pee and start to walk towards the house. Justin notices and climbs down the ladder.

"You know for wanting to help you aren't doing too well. You really take a lot of breaks." Justin jokes "What happened?"

"Your kid kicked me really hard right in the bladder." I complain "It's moving around nonstop now."

"Stop calling our little royal baby 'it'." He walks over resting his hand on my belly to feel the movement "I still can't believe you told the doctor we don't want to know the sex. We could know if it's a prince or princess by now. We could have already bought them too much."

"Well you should have come with to the appointment." I laugh "We'll find out next week. I think you can wait a few more days. Next time don't get sick that day."

"But what if it kills me?" He fakes death "I could never meet my baby. That would be horrible."

"Well, you'll be able to look up at us." I leave him laying on the floor and walk out "I'll tell them all about you. Even how crazy you are."

"Look up at you?" He asks "If any of us are going to hell it's you. You threw away my chicken the other day and replaced it with pickles. That's hellworthy."

"You're chicken had the smell of horrible dead animal. Anyone would have thrown that away, and I needed pickles. You should know that by now." We get quiet for a while before I lay down on the floor next to him to relax "Why can't we just do this? It's so much easier, and better."

He rolls over to kiss me "Who says we can't?"

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