The Real Event

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"Babe!!" I lean over in bed shaking Justin "Babe!  Wake up!"

"What's wrong?" He rubs his eyes slowly waking up "It's 5 am."

"My water broke." I start to get up and out of bed "All over everything."

"Okay." He jumps up "I'll clean it up.  You go change awhile."

I grab some clothes to change into and walk to the bathroom.  Justin is working on cleaning the bed, and has already called my doctor.  I start to change when I have my first contraction.  It isn't too bad, but bad enough that I stop what I'm doing.  I hold on to the counter and wait until it's over to finish changing and walk out to Justin.

"She said to wait here for a little yet, then once everything is worse we should go."

"Yeah, I'd rather stay here than be stuck in the hospital for hours anyway." I admit as I start walking out of the room "Maybe we can take the dogs for a walk or something.  That's supposed to help."

"Are you sure that's not too much?"  Justin asks as we walk downstairs "Maybe we should just watch a movie or something."

"I don't want this to take forever."  I grab the dogs leashes "We don't have to walk for long."

He finally agrees and we walk out of the house with both dogs.  I think they might know what's going on because they walk super calmly right next to us the whole time.

"You okay?" Justin asks as I lean on him going through another contraction.

I wait until it's over, noticing that they're starting to get more intense to respond.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  They aren't too bad yet." I lie a little so he doesn't make me go home.

"How much longer do you think it'll be?"

"I don't know." I try to remember how close everything is "They're 5 minuets apart now, so we can probably leave once we get back."

We continue to walk for another 30 minutes.  The dogs sniff around at all the different leaves and flowers around us.  They have funny reactions for the ones that they don't like which makes Justin and I laugh at them.  I have a few more contractions, they're getting closer together, before we get back.  Justin calls my doctor again once we're home and she tells us that we should probably go to the hospital now.

"This is so uncomfortable!" I complain getting into the hospital bed "I hate having to stay in hospitals."

"It'll be worth it." Justin reminds me.  He's been reminding me of this a lot since our walk when things started getting more intense.  I feel like I've been complaining nonstop.

"Hi, Mrs. Theroux!" A way too cheerful nurse walks in "I'm Georgia.  I'll be your nurse for the day."  She goes on saying some other things that I count on Justin to pay attention to before she checks to see how dilated I am.

"You're at 6 centimeters.  I can put you on the list for an epidural now if you'd like."  I nod my head yes for her as I go through another painful contraction.  She leaves to get everything set up, and I try to take my mind off things by watching TV.

"Hey, how are you?"  My mom walks in the room after an hour.  She walks over closer to us, sitting in the chair next to Justin "Having fun?"

"Good." I reply sarcastically "Waiting for my epidural so I can finally relax. This hurts."

"Did you think it wouldn't?"  She asks laughing "You'll get it soon.  Maybe you'll be done before they can give it."

"Yeah." I try not to act like the total bitch that I feel like "It would be nice if the would just give it to me awhile.  I didn't sign up to have the baby without one.  I signed their damn paper, so I want it."

"Well you seem to be in a great mood."  She walks closer to the door, trying to hide the fact that she's laughing at me "I think I'm just gonna go to the waiting room.  Let me know if you need anything.  Good luck, Justin."

They come in about another hour later with everything for my epidural.  After I complain forever about all of the pain, they stick a huge needle in my back and the pain starts to go away.  I get checked again, and this time the nurse says I'm at 8.

"This is going to take forever." I look at Justin who looks like he just wants this all over as much as I do.

"Well, at least you're out of pain now.  That has to help, right?"

"Yeah, definitely.  It's so funny.  I don't feel anything." I start laughing "It's kinda relaxing."

He laughs at how the medicine is making me act and leans over the bed rail to kiss me "Maybe you should take a nap.  That will kill some time."

I take his advice.  I sleep for a good 2 hours before waking back up.  Justin is next to me, holding my hand and looking up at the TV in the corner of the room. 

"Oh great.  You're awake!" Georgia walks in all cheerful again.  Right away she asks if there anything we need and then checks me again.  I cross my fingers hoping that I'm closer.

"Well it looks like it's time for you to start!" She walks towards the door to get the doctor "I'll be right back with everyone."

"You ready?" Justin asks once she leaves. 

"No." I think about all that is about to happen "But I guess I have to be."

Less than 5 minutes later, my doctor and a few nurses all pile into my room.  They get everything set up and tell Justin to stand next to me.  I move back a little bit in bed so that I'm sitting up a little and they tell me to start.

"Whenever you're ready." The nurse tells me.  I grab the bed rail and start to push.

I push until their count to 10 two more times before I slump back onto the bed exhausted.  Justin grabs my hand and whispers some encouragement into my ear. 

"You just need a few more, Jennifer.  You're doing great!" My doctor looks up at me.

I squeeze Justin's hand with a death grip pushing again.  They tell me that her head is finally crowning and I sigh of relief.

"One more." Justin tells me.  I take a deep breath and pull all my strength together. 

I push with every ounce of strength in my body.  A few seconds later, the room is filled with cries.   The doctor lays the baby on my chest right away and Justin cuts her cord.  He leans over the side of my bed to get a better look.

"She's so beautiful." He looks from her to me "She looks like you."

"Do you have a name?" A nurse asks "No rush."

"Yeah, Kayleigh Rachel Theroux." Justin replies looking up for just a second.  He looks back down at us, moving my gross, sweating hair out of my face and kisses me.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." I look up at him smiling.

We both turn towards Kayleigh, who is looking around the room wide eyed.  Her arms are flailing around like crazy, and she looks like the most perfect baby in the whole world.

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