Kayleigh Meets Her Family

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"Babe, we're here." Justin nudges me awake.  I look around the airplane for a few seconds trying to remember where we are.

"When did we land?"

"About a minute ago."  He picks up Kay and hands me my bag "Come on.  My mom's waiting for us."

We walk out to the baggage area to meet Phyllis.  She helps us get all our stuff since our hands are full and we walk out to her car.

"I set up that crib in your old room." She says once we get to the house "I didn't know where she sleeps."

"That should be good."  I reply "She'll sleep almost anywhere."

She helps us get all of our stuff to our room without waking Kay.  We decide once we're done to go to bed since we have a lot to do tomorrow.

"Hi, baby!"  I walk downstairs after sleeping in to see that Phyllis must have gotten up with Kay. 

"Momma!" She yells wobbling over to me.  I pick her up and carry her into the kitchen so I can get breakfast.

We're staying with Phyllis so that we can be here for Justin's family reunion, which is today.  I'm so excited for Kayleigh to get to see her family that she hasn't met yet.  Not too many could make it to her birthday party.

She tries to get out of my arms, so I stand her next to me and she watches everything I do. 

"Do you want your pink or purple cup?" I hold them towards her so she can point.  She points to the purple one and mumbles something in her language.  I pour some juice in it and hand it to her.  While I make my breakfast I watch as she wobbles her way over to Phyllis, who is cleaning for the reunion.

Justin walks downstairs a few minutes later looking very confused.

"Where is our kid?  She wasn't in bed."

"With your mom." I point to Kay and Phyllis in the yard "She's "helping" set up for the reunion."

"Well that's gonna be a disaster."  He laughs grabbing some coffee and walking outside to them.  I watch as he sneaks up behind her and starts tickling Kay making her laugh.  She notices me and yells for me so I walk out to them.

"Were you helping grandma?" I ask.  She nods her head.

"Yes!" She yells trying to pronounce it clearly.  I talk to her a little more and walk around with her so that they can get everything finished.

"Kayleigh!"  Justin yells for her after she escapes getting dressed "Come back to daddy!  I have your Minnie shirt."  Her eyes get huge and she leaves me to go over to him.  She points to her shirt once it's on mumbling different things to us.

"They're going to love her." I tell Justin as we walk downstairs to where some people are. 

"Well yeah, of course they will.  She's a princess." He replies.

We walk into the living room and are immediately greeted by some of Justin's family members that I haven't seen since we started dating.  They all ask us tons of questions.  Most are about Kayleigh.

"She's so beautiful!" One of his aunts, Holly, admires her "She looks so much like you, Jen.  I love her eyes."

"Thank you." I happily reply.  Justin, who is holding Kay tries to get her to say thanks, but she just shakes her head no.

"How old is she now?" Holly asks.

"She just turned 1 last week." Justin answers her.  We talk to her for a little longer before Kay decides that she doesn't want to be held any longer.  It's very crowded inside, so we take her outside to where the other kids are and she can play.  Justin walks her over to the kids and helps her "play" with them.

"It looks like she's having fun." Phyllis walks out next to me, handing me a glass of wine "You're gonna need this.  They'll be asking you every possible question they can think of soon." I take it and start to drink right away.  I needed it anyway.

"So, who is that over there?"  I point to an older couple sitting down "I don't remember meeting them before."

"It's my uncle and his wife." She replies, smiling at them once they notice us and pulling me towards them "They'll love you."

We walk over and she introduces us.

"This is my daughter-in-law, Jen." She tells them before looking over at me "This is my uncle Henry and aunt Mary."

"You're Justin's wife?" Mary asks.  I nod my head.

"Is he here?" Henry asks looking around "I haven't seen him yet."

"He's over with our daughter playing with the other kids." I point out him and Kay for them "She saw they were playing and had to go over."

"Are you from around here?  How did you and Justin meet?" Mary curiously asks me "I don't remember meeting you before."

"We've known each other since we were little.  We started dating when we were 14 and got married at 19."  I answer her, noticing how surprised she seems "We're married almost 7 years now."

"Aw, young love."  She smiles "That's kinda like our story.  We got married at 20, and all these years later are still happy."

"That's awesome!" I reply, genuinely happy for them "It's nice to know couples can really make it that long."

I decide it's time for me to go and find Justin and Kayleigh, so I leave them to talk to the next relative they find.  Justin must have taken her away from the kids, because they aren't there anymore when I look. 

A few hours later, after I found them bothering Justin's grandparents, most of the guests have started to leave.  After being here all day, the kids were getting tired. 

"Kayleigh, it's bed time.  You gotta come upstairs." I pick her up kicking and screaming "You're tired.  You need sleep so that you can play with everyone again tomorrow."

She continues to fight with me, but eagerly goes to Phyllis when she offers to let her sleep in her room.  Justin, of course, loves the idea as well.

"Come on!" He practically begs me after I say no to sex "Just a quickie?  Please!!"

"Fine.  But we just saw your whole family and we're in your mom's house.  Isn't that weird?"

"It's sex, Jen, I don't care where we are." He replies kissing me. 

I open my mouth to deepen the kiss letting our tongues intertwine as he pushes me back onto the bed. He leans over me trying to get my top off without breaking the kiss.

"What the hell!" He pants, fumbling with the buttons.

"Just pull it, babe." I help him get it over my head before kissing him again. 

I flip us over, pulling his shirt off.  He moans slightly as I kiss his neck, making my way back to his mouth. I trace down his whole body to where I reach his boxers.  Sliding my hand in, I grab his bulge stroking it.  I feel how he is getting bigger by the second and slide my hands down his legs taking his pants and boxers off.

He flips us over to regain control.  I moan as he leaves a trail of kisses down my chest towards my panties. He slides his hands between my panties band and my skin causing me to go weak as he slides them off. I dig my nails into his back trying to keep quiet as he teases me.

"I need you." I pant, begging him to enter for real.

I moan louder not caring anymore.  He starts to go deeper and faster with each thrust making me full with pleasure.  The kiss starts to get more passionate with each thrust.  We both finish and I collapse under him full of pleasure and weak.

"I should give in more often." I admit after catching my breath "That was pretty good."

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