Let's Have Some Fun

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"You wanna watch more?" I ask Justin as our episode ends.  He responds by turning the TV off and throwing the remote to the side.

"I think we've watched enough for tonight." He hovers over me, his lips inching closer and closer to mine.  The gap between us closes quickly after as he kisses me.

I open my mouth deepening the kiss. We both need this more than we thought, and we can tell by each other's excitement.  He pins me under him while he works on getting my top off.

"What is wrong with this damn thing?" He fumbles around with my bra once he gets to it.  I try to help him, but he pushes my hands away.

"Pull on it, babe." I pant "It's not hooked."

I flip us over, sick of waiting for him. He moans slightly as I kiss his neck, sliding my hands over his immaculate abs.  I make my way back up to his mouth, continuing the kiss.  He opens his mouth, allowing my tongue to wonder around.  I watch as his already huge bulge grows by the second.  With every touch, it seems to grow, symbolizing his intense need for me. 

He takes control again.  Straddling me under him, he leaves a trail of kisses down my body, from my chest all the way to the band of my panties.  He swiftly sneaks his hands under the band, making me go weak under him. He instantly starts teasing me, obviously enjoying my reactions. 

"I need you." I pant, begging him to enter for real.  He quickly throws his boxers to the side to get situated.

I shudder under him with every thrust.  He knows what I need as he thrusts faster and faster each time.  I can't even control myself anymore, moaning uncontrollably, trying to egg him on for more.  I beg for him not to stop.

"We should do this more." I pant, finally getting my breath back "It's so much better when we're supposed to be sleeping."

"Well are you tired?" He smirks, tracing my chest "We could always go again."

Hours later, after we've had more sex than we have in weeks, and the kids are all probably sleeping, I'm awake. Once again, Justin is snoring louder than I ever thought humanly imaginable, and nothing seems to be able to stop him.  On top of that, I think Kay is awake, because even though I haven't gone to check on her, I keep hearing noises coming from her room, so it sounds like she's playing.

The sound of snoring slowly takes over my brain.  I can't even think straight because he forgot to put a God damn extra pillow under his head.  How he does not wake up because he thinks he hears a freaking fire alarm or something I don't know. He's completely oblivious and it's seriously pissing me off.

"Mommy?" I hear a faint voice cry out for me, and right away know that Kay was awake this whole time.  She walks over to my side of the bed, climbing up to get in my lap "Daddy noise wake me."

"He woke me too, honey." I lay her down between us, letting her use the pillow that Justin forgot "You wanna try to sleep here?" She nods her head, pulling me down closer to her.  I wrap a blanket around her, and she climbs on me, resting her head on my chest while trying to cover her ears.  She puts her hands over her ears trying to block out the noise.

Now I'm not only wide awake from my husbands snoring, but I also have a 4 year old laying right on top of me, trying to sleep.  I can't even move to try to wake Justin without waking her.  She's like a freaking brick.

Finally, what feels like hours later, he wakes up from his snoring.

"Why didn't you wake me?"  He asks sleepily "I would have stopped."

"Because I'm lazy."  I throw the extra pillow in his face for him to use, and roll Kay between us "You 'woke' her too."

"Yeah right, like she was actually sleeping."

"Well she says she was.  I don't really believe her either, but you've had me awake for hours." I try my best to look upset "I need my beauty sleep and you aren't making it easy to get."

"You've been behind on your beauty sleep for years."  He jokes "Those few hours weren't gonna help you much."

"Oh gee thanks, asshole." 

"I love you."  He gets cute, leaning over Kay to kiss me "Even if you call me an asshole when I'm clearly the best person in the world."

"Best person in the world my ass."  I laugh at his ridiculous comment "I think you have some good competition."

"Against who?  You?"  He looks at me like I'm crazy "Please.  These kids would pick me over you any day."

"Uh, I gave birth to them, I think that should count as something while they choose."  I defend myself, knowing these kids couldn't care less "All you did was donate your sperm.  You had it easy."

"Yeah, but I've played with them so much that they would pick me over you.  You gotta learn to be the fun parent.  They like fun." He pushes Kay's hair out of her face "See, she's smiling now because she's closer to me."

"That is NOT true.  She came over asking for me, not you."  I look down at her, jealous of how good she's sleeping "And I am fun, I'm just not idiotic fun like you are.  I let them do crafts, not jump off of things because it looks funny."

Kay starts to move a little, letting us know that she is about to wake back up.  She turns so that she's laying half on Justin with her arm behind her laying across me. 

"Maybe we should just go to sleep."  He looks at her laughing "I think this is her way of telling us."

"Goodnight, babe."

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