Carson = Life

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Cassandra's POV

I woke up in the morning to the sound of my Carson Lueders alarm clock,"This party's 'bout to pop, pop, pop, pop." 

"Good morning babe," I said to my Carson Lueders cardboard figure. Then, I gave it a 'good morning kiss', it's kinda our thing. Then I freshened up and picked out my outfit for the day. It was a 'I ❤️ Carson Lueders' shirt and some jeans. I also braided my dark blonde hair to the side. As I walked down the stairs I smelt a beautiful aroma. It was almost as beautiful as Carson - almost. "Morning Cassie, I made pancakes!" my mom said.

"Smells great, give me two!" I said handing her a plate. But to my dismay, she only put in two. "Mom?" I said, "You forgot Carson's pancake!" Mom should know to give Carson breakfast too! She's such a bad mother-in-law! She looked at me for a second like I was crazy but then she put on a smile and said, "Of course sweetie." So I happily walked away with my two pancakes and one for Carson. I ravenously gobbled mine up. For some reason Carson never eats his, he must be a light eater. After breakfast I got up to leave for school. "See you later!" Mom said.

"Bye!" I replied. As I walked out I grabbed my phone and headphones. I put on Carson Lueders' album 'All Day' and listened to his angelic voice all the way to school as I do everyday. Some people say I'm obsessed with Carson like it's a bad thing! This includes my ex-BFF, Nora. Why is she my ex-BFF? Well it's because of this...


Nora: Hey what'cha doing there?

Cassandra: Well, I'm just watching one-

Nora: One of Carson's videos on your phone, right?

Cassandra: Yeah how did you know?

Nora: Girl, that's all you do! Your obsessed!

Cassandra: Well maybe your right, but how can you blame me? (Stares at phone and sighs) 

Nora: Personally, I don't think he's that great.

Cassandra: (Gasps) What did you say?!

*End of flashback

It got ugly after that... Now I hang with Cara, the only person in my grade who doesn't think I'm a 'Carson obsessed' freak. "Hey Cara!" I said. The brunette looked up from her book,

"Oh, hey Cassandra! You stalking Carson Lueders' Instagram?" she asked looking at my phone. 

"You know me so well," I replied. 

"Isn't he the bee's knees?" Cara gushed looking longingly at Carson through her oversized glasses. 

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh but I'm sure Carson and you would look adorable together!" she said laughing nervously. Cara should know better than to flirt with my husband! 


Our first lesson was English. I love English because I get to express my love for Carson with words. Cara loves English too but then again she loves all our subjects! "Today we are writing poems," said our teacher Ms Wormwood in a dull tone. It's  obvious she hates us, and her job!

 Some of the other kids complained but I was so excited. I had already decided what my poem was going to be about. It was going to be a love poem dedicated to my Carson. The words just came instantly I didn't even have to think about it. When Ms Wormwood read it she just raised an eyebrow and said,"Honey, you know he doesn't love you?" I talk about Carson so much that even my teachers know him! 

"Carson does love me!" I said feeling rather hurt. Ms Wormwood put on a really fake smile and replied, "Of course he does(!)" I ignored my teacher's arrogant comment. I get stuff like that all the time but once I am united with my beautiful Carson it won't matter... 


When I got home from school all I wanted to do was flop onto my bed and watch Carson's videos on my laptop. "I'm home!" I shouted to my mom. 

"Oh hey sweetie!" She said enthusiastically, a bit too enthusiastically. 

"What's going on?" I questioned my mom who was grinning ear to ear. 

"I have a surprise for you," she said still smiling.

"You do?" I said in disbelief. This has never happened before 😟. 

"Yes, come with me," my mom said ushering me into the kitchen. I was quite scared to be honest. "Okay don't freak out," my mom warned me.

Ooooh! What's the surprise? Well your gonna have to wait till the next chapter lol. I honestly don't know where this story is going to go but we'll see... 

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersWhere stories live. Discover now