Waking Up In A Van Like

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Carson's POV

I woke up expecting to be in the shack but we were moving. It took me a while to realise we were in a van. Whaaa?! What is Cassandra up to? I shook Jordyn awake. "J, wake up." 

"Grandma?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"No, it's Carson," I laughed. She got up and looked around. She had the same reaction as me. "What? Where are we?" 

"It's a van, I think," I replied. 

"They're awake," I heard someone say. I recognised the voice as Cassandra's. Then I heard a voice I didn't recognise, "Oooh! Lemme see them!" The driver looked back. It was the lady who drove me to the shack in her van! You know, the one who kicked me in the gut? That was painful! I backed away in case she did it again. "Who are you?" Jordyn asked.

"I'm Harley, nice to meet ya!" She said grinning.

"Harley! Remeber what I told you?" Cassandra said to her. 

She groaned, "If I must!" Then she turned to me, "Hey kid, no hard feelings about that kick?" 

"Yeah sure but that won't get rid of the painful feelings!" I said. 

"You know her?" Jordyn asked confused. I explained to Jordyn how Harley took me to the shack. When I got to the part where she kicked me Harley burst out laughing. I glared at her. "Yeah I'm sorry about that babe," Cassndra smiled at me. I smiled back but when she had her back turned I signalled that she was crazy to Jordyn. We both started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Cassandra asked. 

"Nothing," Jordyn said between giggles. 

"Yeah, nothing at all!" I said grinning from ear to ear.

"You know what?" Harley said, "You guys are the cutest boyfriend and girlfriend ever!" 

"What?!" Me, Jordyn and Cassandra said at the same time. Harley looked around at everyone's faces, "What did I say?" 

"They're not dating!" Cassandra said giving us evils. 

"Yeah we're just friends," I told Harley. 

"That's a shame," she said. Cassandra was legit about to explode! Me and Jordyn just laughed. People thinking we're dating is nothing new. "What's wrong with you?" Harley asked Cassandra. "She likes him," Jordyn said smirking. 

"Love triangle!" Harley said in a sing song voice. Cassandra just got angrier.

"THEY ARE NOT DATING OKAY!?" She shouted. Everyone laughed at her which made her more mad 😂. 

"Where are we going anyways?" Jordyn asked once we had recovered from our laughter. Now it was Cassandra's turn to laugh. "That's for me to know and you to find out," she said and smiled evilly. Me and Jordyn looked at eachother with worried expressions. Where was she taking us? 

Poor Carson, he doesn't know they're going to Washington! While I was writing this I had my playlist on shuffle and 'BRUH!' came on. Such a coincidence 😂! Oh and if you couldn't tell, I based Harley on Harley Quinn. I ❤️ her and Mr J so much!

Until next time and may the force be with you...

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