The Abandoned Shack

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For the whole car ride I was so nervous. I just sat there thinking about all the things that could go wrong with Harley taking Carson. I needed to my mind off it so I texted Cara.

Cass: Hey

Car: OMG HOW WAS IT?!!?!??

Cass: It was so awesome! Carson is sooooooo cute and nice 😍

Cara: I wish I could meet him 😪

Cara: Anyway did u do the surprise?

Cass: No I couldn't think of anything

Cass: But it's ok 

I didn't think it was a good idea to tell Cara that I kidnapped Carson just yet. I couldn't wait to get back home so me and my Carson could be together, forever. 


Harley's POV 

I chucked the golf bag into my van. Although the van is stolen I still love it. The boys and I made it ours by doing graffiti over it. I jumped into the driver seat and we were off. As I glugged down my beer I blasted out music on the radio. I heard some shuffling from the bag, he was awake. The zipper of the bag opened and for the first time I had a good look at the boy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. If I was his age I'd think he was hot but I'm 25 so that'd be a little weird... I'm not a pervert, I promise. Some of the guys are but I'm not. "Whoa, where the hell am I?!" the boy questioned. "I'm sorry kid," I said and kicked him in the gut. He let out a gasp of pain and eventually passed out. Honestly, I'm proud of Cassandra. She's actually kidnapped someone! I kidnapped my first person when I was 17 and she's 13! 


Cassandra's POV

When we got back I made up a lie and told my mom I was tired. Once I had retreated to my room I called Harley.

Cassandra: Harley, are you at (made up address)?

Harley: Yep, where are you?

Cassandra: I'll be there, just wait a few minutes

Harley: Okay see you soon

Cassandra: See ya

*ends call*

I put a bunch of pillows on my bed and covered them with a blanket. It's a classic and it works every time. Then I grabbed my bag and climbed out of the window. I used a plant pot for stability and then jumped onto the floor of the backyard. From there I hauled myself onto the fence and climbed over. The place where I told Harley to drop Carson was a five minute walk away. I sprinted there because I couldn't bear being separated from my beautiful husband. I had reached the destination. It was an abandoned shack in the middle of a field. I saw Harley's van parked up so I knew she was there. She saw me from the window of the van and waved. I waved back. She jumped out if the van with the golf bag. "Delivery for Cassandra Reece," she said grinning. I laughed then I realised something. 

"Why is Carson still unconscious?" I asked suspiciously. I knew the chloroform didn't last that long. 

"Oh well he woke up so I kicked him and he passed out," she replied casually.

"What?! I told you not to hurt him!" I said taking the bag out of her hands angrily. Harley just shrugged. "Hey kiddo, there's this rich teenager and I need to supply some drugs to her so I gotta fly," she said jumping back into the van. 

"Okay, see you around Harley," I said. She saluted to me and drove off. I entered the shack. It was completey empty except for an old mattress in the centre of it. I opened the bag and put Carson on it. I put a hand on his cheek. I loved him so much and now we could finally be together. 

How'd you like this chapter? I've been updating this story like crazy and I've been neglecting my other stories, check them out btw. So I'm not gonna update this for a week or so and focus on my other stories but don't worry I'm not gonna stop updating this. I just need a break that's all.

Until next time and may the force be with you...

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