Where To?

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This part is gonna be really short soz

Cassandra's POV

Carson and Jordyn were asleep so I took my chance. I got out my phone and dialled in Harley's number.

Cassandra: Hey

Harley: Sup girl?

Cassandra: Nothing much, just holding two hostages

Harley: Two?! 

Cassandra: Yep you heard me right!

Harley: Who's the second?

Cassandra: Just some basic bitch 😒

Harley: I'm so proud of you, Cassandra! I promise I won't cry. (Chokes back tears)

Cassandra: That's sweet and all but that's not why I called you

Harley: What'cha need kiddo?

Cassandra: I need you to transport me and the hostages. I know I'm a thirteen-year-old kidnapper but I draw the line at driving!

Harley: Ok where to?

Cassandra: Washington

Cassandra, Harley, Jordyn and Carson are taking a road trip to Wahington! Wait, isn't that where Carson lives 😏😏😏?

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang