Day Out

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Diane's POV

It's been so long and still no one knows where my baby is 😔. But I still have faith. Meredith, Tisha and the kids have decided to go to Kelly's so I'm just going there with Jackson and Olivia. A/N I know Jordyn ,Carson, Hayden and Johnny live far away from eachother but just pretend they don't for this chapter 😂. When I got there I saw Tisha, Meredith, Kelly, Skyler, Johnny, Lauren, Hayden and Dylan. They all came over just to see us, they're so sweet ☺️.  


After an hour or two we all decided to go somewhere to eat. "It'll help us take our mind off things," according to Meredith. It wouldn't really but I didn't want to say no. After an hour Meredith and Tisha realised that Kelly and I weren't enjoying it and we decided to go to my house. I see a van sprayed with graffiti parked up on a double yellow line outside the house. "Some people are so careless!" Meredith tutted. I unlocked the door and walked in. 

As I walked into the house my bag slipped out of my hand and my jaw dropped. It was Carson and Jordyn in the living room! Me and Kelly ran to them. I was so happy! My Carson was back! They were both screaming in joy. Then the horror struck. As we got closer we realised they weren't screaming of joy they were screaming because they were tied up with cloths over their mouths! 

"Oh my God," Skyler whispered. We all ran down the hall to go and help them. I tried yanking the door open but it was locked! "Don't worry guys, we're going to get you out of there!" Kelly assured them. Carson and Jordyn began screaming even louder as if they were trying to warn us. Then Hayden let out a gasp of pain. Someone had shot a dart into his arm. After a second or two he fell to the floor with a thud. 

"Hayden!" Tisha ran to him. Dylan went to help too. Then, from out of nowhere they both got shot with darts and went unconciouss just like Hayden. We were all paralysed in fear. Lauren began sobbing uncontrollably. Both Johnny and Meredith hugged her. Then I heard another scream, it was Olivia. Oh my God 😨! Jackson and I ran to her. She had been shot with a dart!

"Call the police, I'll go help Carson and Jordyn!" Kelly told me. It was so admirable how she took charge. I followed her order and shakily pulled out my phone. As Kelly ran to the kids she got hit by a dart. She screamed and passed out. Now Meredith was crying too. Even shakier than before, I dialled in 911 but just as I was about to call them I felt a sharp pain in my arm. It was so sudden that I dropped my phone. I looked down and realised I had been hit with one of those darts. 

"No!" I screamed trying to quickly pick up my phone. My arm was hurting like hell but I had to do this for Carson. I was so close but then my eyes began to close. I tried to resist it as much as I could. But I eventually gave in and let myself plunge into darkness. The last thing I heard was Carson and Jordyn's muffled screams...

Okay now it's getting really good! I love these cliffhangers don't you? You don't? Well I'mma do it anyways 😂! And if you didn't know Tisha is Hayden and Dylan's mom. Because of my awesome stalking skills I also found out she is a real estate agent. Random isn't it? 😂 And be sure to read next weeks chapter because there is a MAJOR twist and Cassandra's plan is revealed...

Until next time and  may the  force be with you...

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