The Finale!

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This is the last part peeps 😭

Carson's POV

Me, Johnny, Lauren, Hayden, Dylan and my beautiful girlfriend, Jordyn of course, sat in front of the camera.

I turned to everyone, "Okay, we're going live in 3, 2, 1." I switched it on. "What's up It's Carson Lueders and-"

"Johnny Orlando."

"Lauren Orlando."

"Hayden Summerall."

"Dylan Summerall."

"And Jordyn Jones." 

"I love this girl!" I said hugging her. She laughed. The few people who were watching commented stuff like 'JARSON! 😍' or 'My OTP 💘'. Then there were the few stupid people who commented 'They're cousins'. WE'RE NOT COUSINS! 😂  A/N it bugs me when people say that! 

"Anyways, we decided to do this broadcast because we needed to tell you a little story," Dylan said getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, you guys deserve to know," Lauren agreed. 

"And I think Carson should do the honours of explaining it!" Hayden joked. We all laughed, mostly because it was true! 

"Well, it all started when..."


By the time we were done some people commented 'OMG that's crazy! 😱 I'm so glad you guys are okay!' whearas other people commented 'Yeah right! It's probably a fake to get famous!'. Whatever they thought, it felt good to get it off our chests and tell our lovely fandom. "There's also another thing we need to tell you guys," Jordyn looked at me and smiled. 

I smiled back, "On the count of three?" 

She nodded, "On the count of three."

"3, 2, 1 WE'RE DATING!" we both said together. Oh my God the comments and views literally exploded!

 I took Jordyn's hand. I knew this was going to be a day to remember. "And I'm still single 😪," Johnny joked. We all laughed. 😂

Cassandra's POV

It had been three months in Juvy! And even I can't pull off orange! All I wanted to do was to be with my true love but everyone just hates my happiness! It was after hours and everyone else was asleep. I went to my closet and opened it. I never opened it in the day because it wasn't actually a closet. It was a shrine to my beloved Carson Lueders. Everynight I kiss each and everyone of Carson's pictures in it. You might find it weird but I know that me and my husband will be reunited someday, I just have to wait...

And that, my friends, is the last chapter of 'I Kidnapped Carson Lueders'! Thank you so much for the views, votes and support. You readers are the reason I do this and I just wanted to thank you 😘. I wasn't planning on a sequel but I might if you guys want me to.

If you guys want more of Carson's friends I made making a new book on Jadia (Johnny Orlando and Nadia Turner) and Layden (Lauren Orlando and Hayden Summerall) one shots! I noticed there weren't many Jadia fanfics and I ship it so much! So that  is up on my profile page, go check it out! And for the last time 😢

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersWhere stories live. Discover now