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Carson's POV

"EVERYBODY STOP!" We all turned around to see a police officer with a gun. "PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Thank goodness! I swear to God I was going to die! Cassandra did as she was told and looked so scared 😂. Serves that bitch right! I looked over at Harley's chair and to my surprise she had disappeared! She probably didn't want to get involved with the police! Too bad, I never got a chance to thank her. The police man seemed to have backup. They all came and untied us while he put some handcuffs on Cassandra. "CARSON, MY HUSBAND!" She screamed. Crazy bitch! 😒

"You have the right to remain silent!" The police officer warned her. 

"But how did you find me? I had this planned out so perfectly!" To be honest, I was wondering that too. "Well we had some help," the police officer admitted. 

"Help? From who?" 

"From me." Said a voice. Then a girl, around Cassandra's age, walked in. 

"Cara?!" Cassandra exclaimed. I had no clue who this girl was but Cassandra looked as if she had seen a ghost. Cara, on the other hand, was more interested in me. "Oh my God! Carson Lueders!"

"Whaddup?" I saluted her. She giggled and blushed. Always nice meeting a fan ☺️.

"Oh hey Cassandra, didn't notice you kidnapping people over there," Cara said sarcastically. Then Brandon Rowland walked in and put an arm around her. "Johnny?! You're involved in this crazy sh*t too?!" He asked. Okay, so they know eachother 😕...

"Unfortunately," was Johnny's reply. 

"But how did you know it was me?" Cassandra asked, flabbergasted. We all waited for Cara's reply in anticipation. "Well..."


I was on my laptop thinking about what Cassandra had said about kidnapping Carson Lueders. I assumed she was joking but I still couldn't get it out of my mind. Then I came across a newspaper article saying that Carson Lueders had been supposedly kidnapped. I read on and realised the FBI had no improvement I decided to help them out. Besides I'm a HUGE Luedizer! And sure, it was a hunch but it was worth a shot.

*End of flashback*

"And here we are now!" 

"This is all my fault then!" Cassandra said in realisation.

"Yes and I'm very disappointed in you," a lady walked in. 

"Mom?!" Cassandra's jaw dropped.

"Why are you shocked? I'm the one who just realised my daughter is a master criminal who kidnapped these innocent people and tried to get married to a fifteen year old boy!" She had a pretty good case there, not gonna lie. 


Everybody was outside. We were all watching Cassandra's mom who was sitting in a police car waiting to be escorted home. Cara and Brandon had left in another car. Cassandra was being pushed into the car despite her protests. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! MY HUSBAND IS CARSON LUEDERS! YOU HEAR ME? CARSON LUEDERS!" It took two police men to get her in! "BABE! DON'T LET THEM DO THIS!" She screamed through the window. 

"You have the right to remain silent!" a police officer warned her. 

"Sayonara bitch!" I smiled and waved. Then, I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned around and realised it was Jordyn. "Well now we got rid of her!" she joked. 

I chuckled, "Yeah." We stood there in silence for a minute. Then I realised Jordyn was shivering. Being a gentleman, I took off my jacket and gave it to her. "Here," I said with a smile. 

"Thanks," she said putting it on. Not gonna lie, I was pretty cold but Jordyn's worth it ☺️. Suddenly she threw her arms around me. It caught me a bit off guard but I hugged her back. "What was that for?" I asked.

She kept her arms around me and looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "I was just  really scared I was going to lose you." Of course she wasn't going to lose me! Did she actually think that? I looked at her serious expression and knew that's what she was thinking. "Jordyn," I cupped her chin, "I'm not going anywhere, okay?" She smiled. 

"I know."

"I love you."

She hugged me even tighter. "I love you more." We stayed there in the warmth of each others arms for a while. I didn't want to let go. Jordyn looked up at me. "Our relationship is so special Carson," she said, "What we have is so important, although I don't have any words to describe it." Awwww ☺️! What I was planning to say next was extremely daring, especially saying it to a feisty chick like Jordyn! But I was willing to take my chances for her. 

"So you don't have any words to describe our relationship?" I asked.

"Yeah, I literally just said that!" she laughed a little.

I smirked and pulled her closer, "Well don't use any words then." She caught on to what I was saying and smirked too, "Okay, I won't." She didn't hesitate to smash her lips onto mine. Kissing her back was the best feeling! I had liked her for ages but I always never had the guts to mention it. We broke the kiss, both breathless but our hearts content. 

"How was that for 'Not using words'?" Jordyn asked smiling. 

"To be honest I think you could've tried harder!" I said jokingly. She laughed as I pulled her in for another kiss. And what we only realised till we turned around was that Cassandra was watching us, fuming! We both laughed at her as the police car drove away.

"So today surprisingly turned out to be a good day!" I said taking Jordyn's hand.

"Yeah," she smiled, "I guess so."

And that's a wrap people! I'm usually so bad at writing these lovey dovey things but I think I'm improving! Lol. And although I don't ship Jarson I got them together in the end just because I thought it'd piss Cassandra off 😂 and I realised some of  my readers ship them so it's a win win! And remember me saying that our goal was 1.5K views a few chapters ago? Well we reached it so yyyyaaaaayyyyy! (Riley Mathews reference!) Oh and btw this isn't the end there is one last part so stay tuned for that!

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt