Meeting Carson

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I literally could not sit still for the car ride I was so excited, I'm finally going to meet Carson Lueders!!!!! Cara kept me occupied, though, by texting me the whole journey.

Cara: Remeber to send me pics 

Cass: Ok

Cara: And videos 

Cass: Alright 

Cara: don't 4get!

Cass: Ok I won't!

Cara: remember plzzzzzzz

Cass: Bye Cara 😑

"We're here!" Mom said. At first I was excited but it quickly turned into anxiousness. My heart was beating, I had butterflies in my stomach and my legs felt like jelly. Basically I was experiencing all the symptoms of a crush all at the same time! And guess what? I still haven't thought of the surprise yet! I'm running out of time I might as well just give up 😪. Now Carson will never remember me. But I will never forget him. He will always be by my side, till the day I die. Zara Larson reference XD! 


We had to wait for what seemed like forever! Some of the girls I front of me were so excited but they all should know Carson is married to me, they're so stupid 😂! Finally I was next in line!!! As I walked into the room I saw someone sitting at the table, it was Carson! A/N I've never been to a meet & greet before so I'm just making it like the stuff I've seen and heard I was actually in the presence of Carson Lueders! "Hi," he said giving me the cutest smile ever! 

My mouth suddenly went dry,"Hi," I finally managed to get the words out of my mouth. I spend hours admiring him on Instagram but he's even cuter in real life! From his blonde hair to his beautiful blue eyes, he's perfect 😍. "What's your name?" he asked me. 

"C-C-Cassandra," I stuttered. Cassandra you're making a total fool of yourself!

"Hey Cassandra, love your shirt by the way," he said with a smirk. I looked down at my 'I ❤️ Carson Lueders' shirt and chuckled. "Thanks." Cute and funny! He looked at the Carson Lueders shirt and poster I had in my hands. "Should I sign them, for you?" he asked. YEEESSSSSS!!! I thought but in reality I just nodded shyly. I must've sounded like those typical fan girls but I just had to ask, "Can I please take a selfie with you?" 

He nodded,"Sure." I switched on my phone. He put his arm around me 😍 and I took the picture. I mentally noted that I had to post that picture on every social media I own. Then a beefy looking security guard came in,"Your time is up." NOOOOOOO!!! I wanted to scream.

"Wow! Time flies when I'm with the fans!" Carson said giving me a smile. Oh my gosh I love him so much! "Well it was nice meeting you Cassandra," he said and gave me a hug. I can't believe Carson Lueders just hugged me! "Yeah, you too," I said blushing. 


I went back to my mom. "How was it?!" she asked. 

"It was SO FRICKIN' AWESOME!!!" I said. Some people started looking at me. Then I remembered what Cara said. I never did the big surprise! Carson, my one true love, is now going to forget me! Tears came to my eyes as I realised I'm probably never going to see Carson again. "Hey what's wrong?" my mom asked. I explained it all to her. By the end of it I broke down into tears. "Awwww my baby, let's get you home," Mom put her arm around me. Although I had covered my face with my hands I swear I saw my mom smiling and shaking her head. But it was probably my imagination. I was distraught! I wish there was some way to keep Carson forever. Wait! I just had the most AMAZING idea! 

What's Cassandra's idea I wonder. *Wink, wink 😉! I'm listening to Melanie Martinez right now. I don't know why you guys needed to know that but I just ❤️ her so much!!! 

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant