My Amazing Idea

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I had the most AMAZING idea! I just needed to make it work. It was going to take a lot of effort but I knew I could pull this off. "Hey Mom," I said wiping my tears," I need to go to the bathroom to clean myself up." I didn't even let my mom reply I just ran off. Once in the bathroom I pulled out my phone. I needed to call Harley. Long story short my, parents split up because my dad is part of a gang, which Harley is also part of. Mom doesn't know I'm still in contact with her. I never talk to her anyway but now she's going to be quite useful to me 😏.

Cassandra: Yo, Harley

Harley: Sup? It's been a long time

Cassandra: I need a favour 

Harley: I'm listening

Cassandra: I need you to pick up something of mine

Harley: Your finally following your dad's footsteps, eh?

Cassandra: Whatever, just get here as soon as you can

Harley: Okay what's the address?

Cassandra: A/N I can't be bothered to think of an address so just make it up

Harley: See you there then

Cassandra: See ya 

*Hangs up*

I looked through my bag. Yes! I found it! I found my chloroform covered cloth. You might think why the hell does a 13-year-old have drugs on her. Going back to my dad being part of a gang, he used to have loads of drugs in his drawer and one day I found some. Don't judge me I didn't know what they were then, I was 5! Once I did find out what they were I kept them just in case they came in handy for the future, and it sure did! I tightly clutched the cloth in my hand and approached the meet & greet room. On the meet & greet ticket it said that it would finish at 5pm. Right now it was 4:55pm, perfect timing! I waited patiently for a few minutes. Finally Carson left the room. He jumped when he saw me. "Oh, I didn't see you there!" he said putting a hand on his chest. "Wait aren't you that girl from the meet & greet?" He recognised me 😍! I got closer to him. He backed up to the wall. I put my arms around him. "Uhhhhh, what are you doing?" he asked, a hint of worry in his voice. 

"I'm sorry babe," I warned him in advance. 

"What?" the confusion on his face was so cute! I wasted no time and clamped the cloth over his mouth. He dropped to the floor. A/N Ik it actually takes around 5 minutes for the person to knock out but in the movies it happens instantly so just pretend it's like that lol. I dragged him to the stock closet. I'm known to be quite strong so moving him was easy. There was also a golf course outside the building that the meet & greet took place which was lucky for me. I found the largest golf bag and shoved Carson's unconscious body into it. I had to bend his legs a bit but he fit. "Boo!" someone said. I jumped out of my skin. I turned around to see a blonde girl wearing black lipstick, a grey crop top and some ripped denim shorts. "Harley! You freakin' scared me!" Harley laughed. 

"What'cha need kiddo?" 

"Take this bag and drop it off at (made up address, I'm not bothered to think of one, again)," I said giving her the golf bag. 

"Okey dokey then," Harley said. 

"Oh and don't hurt him," I warned her.

"Him?! What have you got in here?" Harley asked. 

"None of you business, just get it to (made up address)," I snapped. 

"Alright I'll see you there," Harley said.

"Bye," I waved. As she was walking away she turned to me and smirked,"I'm proud of you Cassandra, you're finally one of us." I just laughed and went back to my Mom. 

Carson has been kidnapped! Dun, dun, dunnnnnnn! It took me ages to think of how Cassandra was going to pull this off but I finally thought of something. Honestly I'm kinda disappointed about how it turned out 😔

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersWhere stories live. Discover now