Missing Girl

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Kelly's POV

When I got home I saw the note from Jordyn. But on the note it said she would be back by 8 and it's 11pm. I decided not to get too worried and call her. She didn't pick up. She is so grounded! I called all her friends but they all said they haven't seen her all day! By then it was 12. Now I was starting to get worried she has never been out this late before! That's when I decided to call the police. 

They tried tracking her phone but an anti-spyware app was installed. They said it was the same app that was on Carson's phone. That means that she might have been kidnapped by the same person as Carson! I broke down into tears. My little girl was gone! The police officer tried to calm me but it didn't work. I wasted no time, I headed straight to Diane's. 

Once I had told her everything I gave her a minute to let it sink it. To be honest it still hasn't sunk in for me as well. It took me a while to realise that Diane was silently crying. "Who is this person? Who is this person who has taken our children?!" She asked. I hugged her and began crying too. 

"I don't know but we're going to find them, I promise you." Whoever this person is, they don't know how they've ruined us. 

Sorry this part was short but I really can't be bothered right now. But don't fret children the next part will be about Jordyn and Carson. And it would mean a lot if you checked out my other book 'My Amazing World of Weirdness' I was thinking about unpublishing it.

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersWhere stories live. Discover now