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Carson's POV

I woke up and realised there was someone on top on me. ""Aargh!" I shouted in alarm. 

"Morning Sugarpie!" Cassandra said kissing me on the cheek. I got up and backed up against the wall. "Why were you on top me?" 

"Relax, I was just measuring you!" She replied showing me a tape measure. 

"I hope that's all you did!" 

"Ewww! I may be a kidnapper but I'm still 13!" She wrinkled her nose in disgust. I sighed with relief. "Wait why did you need to measure me?" 

"You'll see," she smiled mischievously. That couldn't be good 😟. 

"Carson, are you okay?! I head you shout!" Jordyn said running to me. 

"Stay away from him!" Cassandra screamed. 

Jordyn smirked, "Why should I?"

"Because he's mine!"

"Wait, I need to know, can I do this?" Jordyn put her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder. I knew what she was doing and began to play along. "And can I do this?" I wrapped my arms around her waist. Cassandra's face was priceless 😂. "NO!" she pounced at Jordyn. She backed away and put her hands up, "Okay, okay I'm going back!" She went back behind the curtains. Even though I couldn't see her I could hear her laughing which made me laugh. "Just eat you sleeping pills!" She said giving us the pills. Even after we took them we still couldn't stop laughing. Eventually Jordyn's laughter died down which meant she was asleep. Soon after I fell asleep as well.

Cassandra's POV

Can you believe that girl? How dare she touch my bae like that?! She better back off or she'll have an even worse death than Jabba the Hutt! All I need is some chains and a sexy slave costume. Now that they were asleep I could go and enjoy my day. I needed to go shopping so I headed to the mall. 

I went into this shop that sold a sh*t tone of elegant dresses and tuxedos. All of the dresses were pretty but there was one that caught my eye.

 All of the dresses were pretty but there was one that caught my eye

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It was breathtaking. I didn't even bother checking the price and bought it. I guess I gotta kiss my allowance goodbye 😭. Then I went to get a tuxedo tailored. I gave Carson's measurements ( that's why I was measuring him 😏 ), they said it would be an hour. A/N I'm pretty sure it would take longer but for the sake of the story I made it shorter In that time I got a Frappuccino from Starbucks and had devoured the whole thing. 

When I saw the finished product I smiled. Carson would look so hot in it! I made a good choice choosing the James Bond white tux because it looked awesome!

 Carson would look so hot in it! I made a good choice choosing the James Bond white tux because it looked awesome!

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I was about to leave when I realised something. I hadn't got anything for Jordyn. Part of me was saying to leave her but the saintly part of me made me go back to get something for her. I literally grabbed the first thing I saw and bought it. I didn't really care what it looked like, it's for Jordyn after all! In this case it was actually a pretty decent dress.

 I didn't really care what it looked like, it's for Jordyn after all! In this case it was actually a pretty decent dress

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I went home obsessing over how beautiful my dress was. I hid the bag of clothes in the closet. We'd be needing them later...

Here's a shout out to DisneyDaydream123 because she asked and she also gave me a shoutout. Go check out her blog and stories. She's also doing a Carson Lueders fanfic called Without U There Would Be No Me, including yours truly. And follow her Carson Lueders and Johnny Orlando fan account on Instagram @ luedersorlandotwin because Carson and Johnny need to notice her! What do you think Cassandra bought the clothes for? And I don't know about you but I think Jordyn looks so beautiful in blue 😍👌❤️!

 And follow her Carson Lueders and Johnny Orlando fan account on Instagram @ luedersorlandotwin because Carson and Johnny need to notice her! What do you think Cassandra bought the clothes for? And I don't know about you but I think Jordyn looks s...

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Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson LuedersWhere stories live. Discover now